FWA ChocolateClash

Name: 왕좌의게임
Tag: #20GJP98GP (View Ingame)
Description: 쉼터를 찾는분이라면 여기로 오세요
Location: South Korea
Requirements: open - 0 trophies
War Stats: 93 wins (0 streak), ties, losses
Members: 7 (PC)
Log: Private (Inspect)
Current War: Battle Day vs. A Few Good Men (None) (Inferred, age 1016 days ago)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
2QVUQJG2CPeanut Led?00
L822J8CQRosorio 18 Mb?00
LGJCYVG9Qkeshav Eld?00
LPRU9RJ00요시같은소리 Eld?00
YUYGRR28YGen.G Peanut Co?00

Clan Activity
2025-02-21 18:14:19Changed clan log privacy from Public to Private.
2025-02-21 18:14:19Changed clan description from 클랜게임.클랜리그,클랜전 참여 하시러 오세요. / 만렙만 지원 주세요~! / 클전 참여,불참여부 체크 해 주세요. / 장인 놀고 있거나 접속률 낮으면 추방 합니다. to 쉼터를 찾는분이라면 여기로 오세요.
2019-12-12 11:21:20Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-02-21 18:14:19이쁜희진 (Y8LC9PLYV) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19로아 (VP80UJR8) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19유빈 (ULCVV08) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19Tequilalio (RU9YRPPP) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19윤식 (PP2UVVYV) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19han (LY02L099P) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19앙겔라 (LG20GC9YJ) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19Ssam_다온아빠 (J9L8RPJU) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19마진성 (CJQGPPJG) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19다온아빠 (9PRV8UCY2) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19유찬 (9J2J82Q2C) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19SsaM_전설 (90LVL2U2Y) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19준빈 (8UU0L98C) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19치우천황13 (2CL0LUCVC) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19말보로 (298J2JCVY) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19Crystal Skull (22YR0LG) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19임세철 (22QV8Y28L) left the clan.
2025-02-21 18:14:19요시같은소리 (LPRU9RJ00) joined the clan as an elder.
2025-02-21 18:14:19LGD Peanut (LQYLG2GUP) joined the clan as a coleader.
2025-02-21 18:14:19keshav (LGJCYVG9Q) joined the clan as an elder.
2025-02-21 18:14:19osorio 18 (L822J8CQR) joined the clan as a member.
2025-02-21 18:14:19SKT Peanut (LYQPUY2GJ) joined the clan as a coleader.
2025-02-21 18:14:19Gen.G Peanut (YUYGRR28Y) joined the clan as a coleader.
2025-02-21 18:14:19Peanut (2QVUQJG2C) joined the clan as the leader.
2019-12-12 11:21:21앙겔라 (LG20GC9YJ) was a member on initial scan.
2019-12-12 11:21:21tequilalio2 (LY8PYR209) was a member on initial scan.
2019-12-12 11:21:21다온아빠 (9PRV8UCY2) was a member on initial scan.
2019-12-12 11:21:21SsaM_전설 (90LVL2U2Y) was a member on initial scan.
2019-12-12 11:21:21준빈 (8UU0L98C) was a coleader on initial scan.
2019-12-12 11:21:21앙마군단 넘버원 (JY2YQQLJ) was a member on initial scan.
2019-12-12 11:21:21곰팅이푸우 (LQUJVU0J2) was a member on initial scan.
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