FWA ChocolateClash

Tag: #20JJRLRY9 (View Ingame)
Location: International
Requirements: open - 0 trophies
War Stats: 21 wins (5 streak), ties, losses
Members: 6 (PC)
Log: Private (Inspect)
Current War: War Ended vs. Clan of Tornedo (None) (Inferred, age 1023 days ago)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
G0CV9LGLY★Hondro★ Mb?00
G80QY90G0★MASTER★ Eld?00
GPJULJVJP☆κɪɴɢ☆ Eld?00
L02CGC8Q2Robert Hon Mb?00

Clan Activity
2025-02-28 13:35:14Changed clan level from from 3 to 5.
2025-02-28 13:35:14Changed clan location from Indonesia to International.
2025-02-28 13:35:14Changed clan description from Silahkan Join .... to .
2020-08-16 05:13:56Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-02-28 13:35:14Robert Hon (YJ89G00QG) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14Robert Hon (YGQ2PUQ8V) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14boot23 (LY9RYVLCC) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14MΔDO HONDRÖ_1_ (LPQ0288RP) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14andi (LL88CC0YR) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14Robert Hon ^_^ (L9R8G29P2) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14MΔDO HONDRÖ_2_ (L2RCR92PJ) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14MΔDO HONDRÖ_3_ (L2PJUL9GL) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14**OSB** (L2JV999PQ) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14MΔDO HONDRÖ_4_ (L0LL0CPC9) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14arya (L098QVV2J) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14ardiansya (GC8L2VVQ) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14BRYAN:HO(3) (9VLUP82PV) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14Dito halawa (9Q0RLQGYL) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14Master x (9PR0Q29RG) left the clan.
2025-02-28 13:35:14☆κɪɴɢ☆ (GPJULJVJP) joined the clan as an elder.
2025-02-28 13:35:14★MASTER★ (G80QY90G0) joined the clan as an elder.
2025-02-28 13:35:14J꙰O꙰K꙰E꙰R꙰ (GPCUPRYYY) joined the clan as the leader.
2025-02-28 13:35:14★LEGEND★ (GYCY9CQ2J) joined the clan as an elder.
2025-02-28 13:35:14★Hondro★ (G0CV9LGLY) joined the clan as a member.
2025-02-28 13:35:14Robert Hon (L02CGC8Q2) joined the clan as a member.
2020-08-17 18:39:08AHOK (YRVVC0PP8) left the clan.
2020-08-16 18:06:27MΔDO HONDRÖ_1_ (LPQ0288RP) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-08-16 18:06:27MΔDO HONDRÖ_3_ (L2PJUL9GL) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-08-16 18:06:27MΔDO HONDRÖ_2_ (L2RCR92PJ) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-08-16 05:13:57MΔDO HONDRÖ_1_ (LPQ0288RP) was a member on initial scan.
2020-08-16 05:13:57MΔDO HONDRÖ_3_ (L2PJUL9GL) was a member on initial scan.
2020-08-16 05:13:57MΔDO HONDRÖ_4_ (L0LL0CPC9) was an elder on initial scan.
2020-08-16 05:13:57MΔDO HONDRÖ_2_ (L2RCR92PJ) was a member on initial scan.
2020-08-16 05:13:56BRIAN:HO(3) (P0LJY29UG) was a coleader on initial scan.
2020-08-16 05:13:56ardiansya (GC8L2VVQ) was an elder on initial scan.
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Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin