FWA ChocolateClash

Name: SHC Raiders
Tag: #20LG82Y00 (View Ingame)
Description: no foul lanuage. respect clan mates. be active in war! NEED HELP WITH CLAN GAMES
Location: United States
Requirements: inviteOnly - 600 trophies
War Stats: 65 wins (0 streak), 0 ties, 76 losses
Members: 15 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: Not in war
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
902GJR9CJFuify Mb?00
L99QULQGGJovis Mb?00
LGPC2L2GUJim Mb?00
LLL080RRRDrükins Eld?00
LRUCYVGLGLittleRaptor34 Mb?00
P8VQ2QGVYDaisyJohnson Mb?00
PCGRVG0L0Trumpeter123 Mb?00
UV9UQJ0Velocity Eld?00
Y9G9PC9Astrid Eld?00
YG20CY8YBrutus Eld?00
YGRY2UV0VDwight Led?00
YJL9RQVL9SkyePanda Mb?00
YYVQVG8LRlindsaygayle Eld?00

Clan Activity
2025-03-01 01:02:08Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-01 01:02:08LittleRaptor34 (LRUCYVGLG) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08ELLIjo (YJ908QJJC) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08SkyePanda (YJL9RQVL9) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Jim (LGPC2L2GU) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Velocity (UV9UQJ0) was an elder on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Fuify (902GJR9CJ) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08OhNoGhosu (LRPULLYJL) was an elder on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08lindsaygayle (YYVQVG8LR) was an elder on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08DaisyJohnson (P8VQ2QGVY) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Astrid (Y9G9PC9) was an elder on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Drükins (LLL080RRR) was an elder on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Jovis (L99QULQGG) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Trumpeter123 (PCGRVG0L0) was a member on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Brutus (YG20CY8Y) was an elder on initial scan.
2025-03-01 01:02:08Dwight (YGRY2UV0V) was the leader on initial scan.
Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin