Timestamp | Action |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | kote (QQ99CJ99V) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | beginner (QJ09PCQ00) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | BEQA (PR9J99Y02) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | eli (G98VVQ8YU) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | UpperTaker (G88RVQ9UL) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | nika (G2QP8YQYJ) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | lado (G0C2GGLCY) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | DoLiDzE (8P09RYCV) left the clan. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | Black Mask (YCV2P82R) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | Anubis (QJVQV82CG) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | Anubis (QJVQV82CG) changed rank from a coleader to the leader. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | Ivan (PP9CUQQCP) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | nika777 (YVPU9GJVY) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | nika777 (YVPU9GJVY) changed rank from the leader to a member. |
2025-02-19 15:32:46 | BLACK ARCHER (2VQUG8RU0) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | UpperTaker (G88RVQ9UL) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | LN 18 GN 19 (G9UG2VUP9) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | nika (G2QP8YQYJ) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | luka (G82GJVCGQ) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | lado (G0C2GGLCY) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | Xudoianii (GP0G209UV) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | beginner (QJ09PCQ00) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | Flex^^ (Y9P2CQLC0) was a coleader on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | Anubis (QJVQV82CG) was a coleader on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | BEQA (PR9J99Y02) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | Ivan (PP9CUQQCP) was an elder on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | kote (QQ99CJ99V) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | BLACK ARCHER (2VQUG8RU0) was a coleader on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | nika777 (YVPU9GJVY) was the leader on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | eli (G98VVQ8YU) was a member on initial scan. |
2024-08-24 17:26:09 | DoLiDzE (8P09RYCV) was a member on initial scan. |
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