FWA ChocolateClash

Name: 그냥 하는거지머...
Tag: #2LQQ2J2LQ (View Ingame)
Description: 매너는 필수입니다. 클랜전 자율공격, 선점기능사용할것, 선점후 빠른공격요망. 리그전 동번 공격, 클랜전 참가후 미공격,비매너 제재(추방) 전쟁종료 2시간전에 공격 마무리 할것. 접속시 채팅창, 편지, 공지확인할것 가입시 인사부터 합시다
Location: South Korea
Requirements: open - 0 trophies
War Stats: 175 wins (0 streak), ties, losses
Members: 5 (PC)
Log: Private (Inspect)
Current War: Prep Day vs. Canadian Moose (None) (Inferred, age 223 days ago)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
828YY29LQ아르키나 Mb?00
C8C8JYYC세림 Led1600163
C8RY8L오징어 Co1500163
CR2PQPR유하니 Mb?00
VLP8CRC9춤추는각시탈 Eld?00

Clan Activity
2025-03-11 15:06:50Changed clan level from from 23 to 24.
2024-07-27 13:41:36Changed clan level from from 22 to 23.
2024-07-21 16:22:17Changed clan level from from 19 to 22.
2023-11-18 20:43:45Changed clan level from from 12 to 19.
2023-11-18 20:43:45Changed clan description from 실력과상관없이 꾸준히 하실분들만 오세요. 매너는 필수입니다. 클랜전 공격은 가급적 동급홀로공격해주세요. 리그전 동번 공격, 클랜전 미참석,비매너 제재(추방) 리그전 공격은 2시간전에 마무리 할것. 가입시 인사부터 합시다 to 매너는 필수입니다. 클랜전 자율공격, 선점기능사용할것, 선점후 빠른공격요망. 리그전 동번 공격, 클랜전 참가후 미공격,비매너 제재(추방) 전쟁종료 2시간전에 공격 마무리 할것. 접속시 채팅창, 편지, 공지확인할것 가입시 인사부터 합시다.
2022-09-17 04:10:05Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-11 15:06:50주영과아이들 (Y89CU8QG2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50Slur_연 (Y0GCPJVY2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50holyvision (UC8G2LVJ) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50이바우 (PVPVV0RJ0) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50우동 (PRCUGJQQY) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50칼이수마 (LU0PY0GLQ) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50ㅇㅇㅇ (LLLJGV80) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50떠여누♡파파 (JR0JGYJ0) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50스텔스117 (J8QV0J89) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50강한남자 (G0GQU000) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50라클 (2Y8C9YCL2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50오식도 (2Y0GG8VV8) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50미친 토끼 (2VLYR0Q2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50미친 토끼 동생 (2GQVU0RRP) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50상따데이 (22UQPC2GP) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:06:50유하니 (CR2PQPR) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:06:50춤추는각시탈 (VLP8CRC9) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2025-03-11 15:06:50아르키나 (828YY29LQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2024-09-28 12:03:59준민 (YVVPJGU9R) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:59타기타기 (VL0UQVQV) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:59초원의군주 (UGURUYJ0) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:59집진기 (QYYLU8V9Q) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:59MC-1 (QYJCL9QC0) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:59소라 (QLR2Q0Q9G) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:59응응 (QLGJCQJ08) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:59신호등 (QGGUR8PC0) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:58참외 (QG2VY0CUV) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:58승민짱 (8VJYGCYQG) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:58챨스밧데리 (2PQ8QR0VP) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:58kmis9797 (289JQPRRY) left the clan.
2024-09-28 12:03:58효동 이 (22RR2JLJU) left the clan.
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Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin