FWA ChocolateClash

Name: Ol School Clash
Tag: #2LR2LLJJY (View Ingame)
Description: This is a clan for old and new players looking for a place just to hangout and have fun. Requesting troops and farming and maybe doing wars once in a while. Looking for active to semi-active members. Founded March 2021. English only.
Location: United States
Requirements: open - 1800 trophies
War Stats: 18 wins (4 streak), 0 ties, 13 losses
Members: 39 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: War Ended vs. FreedomFighters (None)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
208R9UQGU$TheBlackJoker$ Co?00180
22GGLR8P0The Toad Sage Mb1300
2Q0G0PGVPbrightknight Led1451145
80JLG9PJ9farhan Mb1200
8LQR0LYQPjames Mb16123194
90JG88RYUjoe Mb?00180
9UPQQ9Q9jason Mb?00180
C2PJUVJLmaijjaaaaaa Eld?00180
CRQPJQLQwilder Mb?00180
J000J8YRBrittany Mb?00180
JVCUCC2YTesmain Mb?00
L0QQLY0GVshadowx Mb?00180
L2V82JPL2STEPBRO69 Mb?00180
L9L8092C0Prince_Syriano Mb?00180
LCCRG2GRJRushed Pickle Mb1300
LGJVUV2JGwhoopenheimer Co1300
LU2RGQGRQPedro2 Mb?00180
LVU9GGL8Ymamex22 Mb1000180
LVY9LC9PRgrant Eld?00180
P2L0RLRGbfi$ha Mb?00180
PG8GCRL20fluffybatman2 Mb1100
PP9GYCG0YWalrusJax Co151910
PUY82JCJJAmIt dAbrE Mb?00
PV0CJ88YQpepijn Mb?00
PYGJV80UYPedro Mb?00180
Q29QU20G9ex-rusher Mb?00180
Q2P0PLLJSir Anderw Eld?00180
Q8Q0CPQQQSho’s Demise Mb?00
Q9RL2P08Chhhh Mb?00180
Q9RPP2P0V$JOKERV2$ Mb?00180
Q9U0J9Y0QRushed Knight Eld1100
QL98QRPJGjaw har Mb?00180
QL9VYRRRUAbby Mb?00180
QYLYL2J2Qeman.theplug Co?00180
RPLQRQPYAnthony Eld?00180
RYLCVP09UltimatexPickle Co1300
YLQ288LG2the2spooky4uman Mb?00180
YU2Y2G9CYmathys Mb?00180

Clan Activity
2024-09-08 12:45:03Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-08 03:24:25Andrei peca (P9LQPPGVL) left the clan.
2025-03-08 03:24:25Nolanlol (LG8CQRQUY) left the clan.
2025-03-08 03:24:25Rushed Knight (Q9U0J9Y0Q) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25Sho’s Demise (Q8Q0CPQQQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25Tesmain (JVCUCC2Y) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25Rushed Pickle (LCCRG2GRJ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25fluffybatman2 (PG8GCRL20) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25farhan (80JLG9PJ9) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25UltimatexPickle (RYLCVP09) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25whoopenheimer (LGJVUV2JG) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25The Toad Sage (22GGLR8P0) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25WalrusJax (PP9GYCG0Y) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25brightknight (2Q0G0PGVP) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25AmIt dAbrE (PUY82JCJJ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25pepijn (PV0CJ88YQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-08 03:24:25james (8LQR0LYQP) had their donates/recieves reset.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Anthony (RPLQRQPY) was an elder on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03shadowx (L0QQLY0GV) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Sir Anderw (Q2P0PLLJ) was an elder on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03$JOKERV2$ (Q9RPP2P0V) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03the2spooky4uman (YLQ288LG2) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Brittany (J000J8YR) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Rushed Knight (Q9U0J9Y0Q) was an elder on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Nolanlol (LG8CQRQUY) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Pedro2 (LU2RGQGRQ) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03STEPBRO69 (L2V82JPL2) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03mamex22 (LVU9GGL8Y) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Abby (QL9VYRRRU) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03Tesmain (JVCUCC2Y) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03ex-rusher (Q29QU20G9) was a member on initial scan.
2024-09-08 12:45:03mathys (YU2Y2G9CY) was a member on initial scan.
See More
Maintained by Justin
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