FWA ChocolateClash

Name: Colorado State
Tag: #92YC20UR (View Ingame)
Description: Proud to be a CSU Ram. donate troops, and always participate in clan wars, or you will be kicked. ***** CU
Location: United States
Requirements: inviteOnly - 0 trophies
War Stats: 184 wins (0 streak), 7 ties, 275 losses
Members: 10 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: Not in war
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
2LRPYGU89KJR Fury Mb?00
2RG00GLL8Rhineaux Co?00
8RVGLCLVClan-Team 6 Mb?00
9VPVU9P9Colts523 Co?00
P9YG8Y8PJrheinheimer24 Co?00
QRRJPJQ0Gcarley Eld?00
QV2U9QPC0ChilePepper Mb?00
QVQ8G2R2YFiberfiend Mb?00
VVV9Q88VCole Train Led?00

Clan Activity
2025-02-25 21:06:25Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-02-25 21:06:25carley (QRRJPJQ0G) was an elder on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25ChilePepper (QV2U9QPC0) was a member on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25LINDINHOMIE (QL9GUG8P) was a coleader on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25Clan-Team 6 (8RVGLCLV) was a member on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25Colts523 (9VPVU9P9) was a coleader on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25Rhineaux (2RG00GLL8) was a coleader on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25KJR Fury (2LRPYGU89) was a member on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25Cole Train (VVV9Q88V) was the leader on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25Fiberfiend (QVQ8G2R2Y) was a member on initial scan.
2025-02-25 21:06:25Jrheinheimer24 (P9YG8Y8P) was a coleader on initial scan.
Maintained by Justin
Support - ToS - Old - Home - Split

Server: ccd, Unique ID: 67be722c065bb, Database: Production5, Page load time: 0.09 sec.
Originally made by Kuilin