Timestamp | Action |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | Virmss. (LVP2UVUGC) left the clan. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | T E X A S ✓ (Q9QJ9QJY9) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | Vikay #1261 (8GR9J9PLC) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | LEGENDA PADA MA (QGLJRRY0P) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | CBN AL TEAM (QR8980JVR) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | ARTIS.LSN27 (9CPPVG9YC) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | arippmulyaa (GPGG28UJR) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | Senthir_33 (LLQV2G02C) changed rank from a member to an elder. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | кейzoケンゾー (8UURPC8G2) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | Wdyaastπ (QPP8UY2L8) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | Wdyaastπ (QPP8UY2L8) changed rank from an elder to a member. |
2025-02-26 19:48:02 | Fadhil 1933 (29UC0CYY0) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | OROCHIMARU (QCY8LYULC) was a coleader on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | Virmss. (LVP2UVUGC) was a member on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | P A I N (2VPU9YC0G) was a coleader on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | O B I T O (9QLGJ9G9Y) was the leader on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | M A D A R A (8GYL9CGLV) was a coleader on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | Markey (LJU2RJUQV) was an elder on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | Senthir_33 (LLQV2G02C) was a member on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | zhevic_23 (QJY8080UQ) was an elder on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | dinakartini3 (Q0CCYLQUP) was an elder on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | feribae_ (YYLQUJ8RU) was an elder on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | Wdyaastπ (QPP8UY2L8) was an elder on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | Urang Pehuluan (2JR0U9CU9) was a coleader on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | the hacker PGN (9VU09RQC2) was an elder on initial scan. |
2025-02-26 08:44:34 | I T A C H I (2YCCU8LC9) was a coleader on initial scan. |