FWA ChocolateClash

Name: fredi BANYUMAS
Tag: #CVVUVCUG (View Ingame)
Description: ASSALAMUALAIKUM . SALAM KOMPAK ,MARI BANGUN KLAN INI SAMA"◆◆ WAR WAJIB ATT 2X◆◆ SALING BALAS DONASI BERANI REG BRANI DONASI.ini klan mayoritas pa****kerja dan udah dewasa kalo jarang on wajar.yg penting konsisten dalam WAR
Location: Indonesia
Requirements: inviteOnly - 3500 trophies
War Stats: 241 wins (0 streak), 0 ties, 174 losses
Members: 0 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: Battle Day vs. HUMBLE WARRIORS (Former (OL)) (Inferred, age 1029 days ago)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
99R0YLL8RSemar Co13267771541
99RY0VVCLfredi BANYUMAS Co13625435011541
9GGY99PJRSyifa Kamila_28 Eld?001541
9RV09GULRMr.Jalebod Eld13418548841541
9YPGCLCLCKing Jalebod Eld13269843771541
PU0LRCPLVHULK⭐⭐⭐ Eld120721541
PV02V2PQ0Bocky Eld?001545

Clan Activity
2025-03-06 19:39:36Clan dead.
2025-03-06 19:39:36Changed clan level from from 18 to 19.
2020-12-11 10:39:06Changed clan log privacy from Private to Public.
2020-12-11 10:39:06Changed clan level from from 16 to 18.
2020-05-25 05:04:17Changed clan level from from 14 to 16.
2020-02-02 23:19:54Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2020-12-15 05:24:50Tyo Malvis_86 (RR0CRLC2) left the clan.
2020-12-15 05:24:50dimas (8CL8VLYR8) left the clan.
2020-12-15 05:24:50safa marwah (80CUQ8QRQ) left the clan.
2020-12-15 05:24:50Syifa Kamila_28 (9GGY99PJR) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50tio (2LU2C8RQY) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50ahmad wahid (PJ8JJL8C2) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50⚔️WisssnuuU⚔️ (YPYQ99VJ8) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50Fafa The Jarotz (9LC0Q0G0Q) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50fredi SINTANG (8Q2PRGPLV) had their donates/recieves reset.
2020-12-15 05:24:50B U N G A (YY9U8CL2) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50mami (8LJPPLQYG) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50golbin (2J90CYU0L) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50sableng (89J0CGPJQ) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50Jerangkong (9V2QUGG0) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50HELBOY (2P8U98VV2) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-15 05:24:50IAM_18 (22LVRP0LP) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-12-11 10:39:06khuisz (YUPYY9G0G) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06ajan/eko (YGR0GR8U) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06SaSuKe_RB (UQ9QYPCC) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06BoRuTo_RB (ULYCLJJJ) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06★THE VISION★ (U8URGJ8R) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06fredi BANYUMAS (PCYGRLPLU) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06Arif Setyono (P8UG0J8GP) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06werkudoro (9VCVJ0QUG) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06Yudha hackers (9UGGJ0C2V) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06ikrom kacong (8YRRCGP0J) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06Arif Setyono 11 (8LQG8PQ0G) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06FERRY S (8L0GL98YY) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06Ahmad_kurosaki (8JP9C8YCR) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06DS.GENTAWANGI (88RPL0VP2) left the clan.
2020-12-11 10:39:06chuphuu (2QUGLLCGU) left the clan.
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Maintained by Justin
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