Timestamp | Action |
2025-03-01 13:00:11 | Ares (L2UUUPVUQ) left the clan. |
2025-03-01 13:00:11 | Keltic (JQLQP8RY) left the clan. |
2025-03-01 13:00:11 | death of war (8GLJ2RU2Q) left the clan. |
2025-03-01 13:00:11 | Hossin (Y8QQUGJ0L) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-01 13:00:11 | رياض (9GY82RURQ) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-01 13:00:11 | سيف النار (98QJGY88C) joined the clan as a member. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | ZoMBIE (YPRR8CCVL) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | WARNING!! (Q9LGUQ2VL) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | Sujith (PYYPRV009) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | freakingajith (P998QV2CV) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | BAD (P8C9CRVUQ) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | Souharda (LQ0YG2UG) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | CALL ME DADY (LLCRUUJLR) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | Rakesh D (9PYY2C2CV) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | Jackup (9GLR2G8QV) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | manik (9CQ8C9RLP) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | sani (8UGLRCL0C) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | __PINTU__ (8J8UPCY0L) left the clan. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | Ares (L2UUUPVUQ) joined the clan as a member. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | #RAJPUT AKASH# (QVJ2YYPGJ) joined the clan as an elder. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | Keltic (JQLQP8RY) joined the clan as a member. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | #JAN BANIGA DON (G9VY02U2V) joined the clan as an elder. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | death of war (8GLJ2RU2Q) joined the clan as an elder. |
2024-09-16 07:03:00 | Dipankar 06 (9CULCRU9U) changed rank from a coleader to an elder. |
2024-09-16 07:02:59 | #Q82LPYPUU changed name. |
2024-09-16 07:02:59 | @ROWDY AKASH@ 2 (9RGURCCGG) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2024-09-16 07:02:59 | #9RGURCCGG changed name. |
2024-09-16 07:02:59 | #9UUL0J89U changed name. |
2024-09-16 07:02:59 | #9UR09PUJY changed name. |
2024-09-16 07:02:59 | Destroyer Guest (P92RQ08GU) joined the clan as a coleader. |
2024-09-16 07:02:59 | SDipankar (P9RPQVLU0) had their donates/recieves reset. |
See More |