Timestamp | Action |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | sharif (9UUG8C029) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | ☣️MADARA☣️ (9QRG29U09) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | cheeeka (9LLQLL8Y9) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | sudip (8VU9JRCGG) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | md borhan (8UPG8LL82) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | RDX (8RQQP2J29) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | ✨✨BOSS✨✨☃ (8L28U0GQV) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | Samim (8GRU9QRYP) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | DamsGanz (8CQC2GJUL) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | AlphonsMyxa (2LQR8C0LU) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | red death (2L0P282PY) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | shaaya (2C0YPLCP8) left the clan. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | blackwater (2U0J9R82V) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | Alvi khan roton (PUCLUG80U) joined the clan as a coleader. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | bLaCk WolF (8V8RR0CGQ) changed rank from a coleader to a member. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | jahid (YUQUL82GR) joined the clan as the leader. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | Devil king (LP9VGPJ0U) joined the clan as a coleader. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | YaMin Hossain (2JG0Y28UU) changed rank from an elder to a coleader. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | Torikul (UQ9GY8LP) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | egi (QRYGURCV9) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | Sean (22YCQ28PG) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | HARQULIS (9JPGY22YY) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | LADEN (998C9RGUP) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | Nayem Islam (8QVG0G80J) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-03-05 19:17:21 | Nayem Islam (8QVG0G80J) changed rank from an elder to a coleader. |
2022-04-06 17:12:17 | ☣️MADARA☣️ (9QRG29U09) joined the clan as a coleader. |
2022-04-06 17:12:17 | R A K I B 75 (LVP90Y90L) joined the clan as an elder. |
2022-04-06 17:12:17 | cheeeka (9LLQLL8Y9) joined the clan as a coleader. |
2022-04-06 17:12:17 | ✨✨BOSS✨✨☃ (8L28U0GQV) joined the clan as an elder. |
2022-04-06 17:12:17 | bLaCk WolF (8V8RR0CGQ) joined the clan as a coleader. |
2022-04-06 17:12:17 | sudip (8VU9JRCGG) joined the clan as an elder. |
See More |