FWA ChocolateClash

Name: 剑指天下
Tag: #QUPUQJCG (View Ingame)
Description: 魔丨76营 积分G盟高配互刷 加群给长老 12本起收 橙丨互刷加wx:wwmmbobo 系丨或加内部扣群:399195532
Location: Monaco
Requirements: open - 1000 trophies
War Stats: 294 wins (0 streak), 9 ties, 222 losses
Members: 0 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: War Ended vs. 互刷 (OL CN) (Inferred, age 1010 days ago)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
2G9V2PR29joker卡卡的小村庄 Mb14001181
2J9CG92RJ兴龙 Eld1413073451098
2PUYUGRJP小纯洁 Co12932151098
2PVVV2JY9China传奇✨小菠萝 Co1402521096
2RJL9UQ草帽小子路飞 Mb?0401098
2UR9QUYJY剑指天下 血靈 Mb12001098
2VCY29YCV@云边有个小卖部m Eld14331401096
2VYVV2PC2小花园 Co141308318143
80UQLYP8V光明 Mb12001098
8GV82L9RY剑指天下 血杀 Mb13001098
8J9PUQ0YJ剑指天下 血魄 Co13001098
8JUGUV2YV不想说 4 Mb12001098
8L2CY9JP9寮神 Co148316961098
8P2PPGPLG一路前行 趁月明风清 Eld1137701098
8PYRQG008qwertty Mb14314451098
8QCUUPGCP剑指天下 血王 Co13001098
8Y8G0QV8L不想说的后果 Co14001098
99209LCCC阿清 Mb13172471096
99ULRJ9J9ilove110 Eld130471098
99V80PJ9J南溟 Co142504971096
9G2YC9YCDear丶DoDo Eld14001098
9J088280J纵横相逢 Eld13001098
9PQR80822阿羡 Eld1305501098
9VPJVCLU2烽火烟城 Eld126801098
CG0Q2UGPMichael Mb13117201098
L2GUGUCVR剑指天下 小花园 Eld1285601098
L8R9PC90Q雨过天晴 Eld12249314461097
LLLPUPQ2R皮孩的梦幻王国 Eld1334377399
LP8JRYLLR舒舒的家 Mb12001098
LRYQP2PLR♥幻♥境♥ Co142124661097
LU9GVQRRR四里屯 Mb11001098
LVUPPVQ9P雄霸天下 Eld138703281097
P9VQCV2GYK.Dsnower Mb14453721097
PCGPRCUCG年少轻狂 Mb1201341097
PCGQ8VJRP猪油蒙了心 Eld122602561098
PJ29U0YVU剑指天下 匹配宝宝 Led149664941097
PLJ9YJGY2剑指天下 血神 Mb13001098
PPU00L8GG疯子部落 Co14778781098
PRVGVQQLC仁者 Co13001098
Q90JGRY0Q剑指天下 澜词 Co12356945661097
Q99PPRL8C潇鄙崽籽 Mb1302631096
QLJVGJ0V0^O^ Mb1203051097
QPYYQGRLY剑指天下 亮哥村委 Mb1302641097
U200RQPR剑指天下 卡萨丁 Co141173712441096
Y88V9QLQ8扫黄大队长 Mb?001097
YJ8CJVQCQ按技能 Eld1368922021096
YJP8JJUQV战皇传说 Mb131132861097
YLU9UVVRY哈温耍部落 Mb12001098
YRQJLC9RL月神 Co141753901098

Clan Activity
2024-02-20 17:52:44Clan dead.
2021-12-14 20:19:49Changed clan level from from 17 to 18.
2021-11-15 01:27:08Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2022-02-13 13:44:39扫黄大队长 (Y88V9QLQ8) joined the clan as a member.
2022-02-12 22:34:00段九德 (QQJVRY82Q) left the clan.
2022-02-12 22:34:00许你一世❤️安然 (LL8VQ8Q8Y) left the clan.
2022-02-12 22:34:00know (8PLP2LCPG) left the clan.
2022-02-12 22:34:00剑指天下 枫 (882L28YRC) left the clan.
2022-02-12 22:34:00年少轻狂 (PCGPRCUCG) joined the clan as a member.
2022-02-12 22:34:00猪油蒙了心 (PCGQ8VJRP) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00阿清 (99209LCCC) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00阿清 (99209LCCC) changed rank from an elder to a member.
2022-02-12 22:34:00哈温耍部落 (YLU9UVVRY) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00K.Dsnower (P9VQCV2GY) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00疯子部落 (PPU00L8GG) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00^O^ (QLJVGJ0V0) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00剑指天下 血靈 (2UR9QUYJY) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00兴龙 (2J9CG92RJ) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2022-02-12 22:34:00剑指天下 血杀 (8GV82L9RY) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00烽火烟城 (9VPJVCLU2) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00四里屯 (LU9GVQRRR) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00Michael (CG0Q2UGP) joined the clan as a member.
2022-02-12 22:34:00一路前行 趁月明风清 (8P2PPGPLG) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00小纯洁 (2PUYUGRJP) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00qwertty (8PYRQG008) joined the clan as a member.
2022-02-12 22:34:00舒舒的家 (LP8JRYLLR) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00按技能 (YJ8CJVQCQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00纵横相逢 (9J088280J) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00剑指天下 匹配宝宝 (PJ29U0YVU) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00不想说 4 (8JUGUV2YV) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00ilove110 (99ULRJ9J9) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00光明 (80UQLYP8V) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00剑指天下 血魄 (8J9PUQ0YJ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2022-02-12 22:34:00剑指天下 小花园 (L2GUGUCVR) had their donates/recieves reset.
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Maintained by Justin
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