FWA ChocolateClash

Tag: #QVGJ9J0V (View Ingame)
Description: Every player welcome to our clan. Try to give ur best effort in war. Friendly behaviour and perfection of war attack depend on ur promotion. Don't donate wrong troops. A member must focus on being a good member before looking for a promotion. Thnk u.
Location: India
Requirements: open - 200 trophies
War Stats: 252 wins (0 streak), ties, losses
Members: 21 (PC)
Log: Private (Inspect)
Current War: Battle Day vs. wagtag (None) (Inferred, age 213 days ago)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
2R98VLRYYLoverBoy Co?00
2UVP88JPU♥The Racer♥ Co?00212
82YLLCUVPprince Led?00
8G0288QLVBabli patra Co?00212
8GV9YRGJ8...(LOVE U)... Co?00
8P9PL00RCsupar hero Co?00212
9V29J0CUGB AD MA S Mb?00212
GP0L2CGVYMcDowells Eld?00
GPRRP980Qsouvik Eld?00
GQL8RQUVYraja Eld?00212
GY2G20Q22clashes Mb?00
GYGJ92JYCsubhash4151 Eld?00212
LQUQPRQCJkáí Eld1200
LQUVCJ2C2Rocking SUBHO Mb?00212
LV2QCY0Pvillen Co?00
QU0QCJG8Pbal Mb?00
QV09Q2R2G山田杏奈 Mb?00

Clan Activity
2025-03-02 07:59:51Changed clan level from from 14 to 15.
2024-08-01 07:29:32Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-02 07:59:51sayan dolui (YULJGJ2GU) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51PRITAM (Y9G9PC8RL) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51GURU (Q08YG9PJJ) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51NiL (PPJGU9JPR) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51suraj the sun (LU9ULVUL) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51⚡404Erore⚡ (LU0VPCQPV) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Ankit_vk (GYPPCP2VQ) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51SKY SENSOR (GPRVL99UQ) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Subhajit (CU09Y8RY) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Sudip (9YRQJQGUG) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Bôt Râjîb (9CYG8R9GQ) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51HITMAN (99RQP8Q2J) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Strange (92CVYURUG) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51*;Rahul.R;* (90JRJJV2C) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51S O U R A V (8UQQYC2LV) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Prince Rohit (8UQ2QPJU8) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Bijoy (8QJ8JVYL) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Mr. Sudip (8Q0QV9CYV) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Pritom (2UJ99Q20Q) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51Tony Stark (28RLQGPQ8) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51TEKKA (202R80V8Y) left the clan.
2025-03-02 07:59:51clashes (GY2G20Q22) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-02 07:59:51GOATadi (Q2CPV9YVG) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-02 07:59:51McDowells (GP0L2CGVY) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-02 07:59:51souvik (GPRRP980Q) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-02 07:59:51山田杏奈 (QV09Q2R2G) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-02 07:59:51káí (LQUQPRQCJ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-02 07:59:51...(LOVE U)... (8GV9YRGJ8) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-02 07:59:51LoverBoy (2R98VLRYY) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-02 07:59:51villen (LV2QCY0P) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-02 07:59:51DINO THANDER (YYG9VLJQG) joined the clan as a member.
See More
Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin