FWA ChocolateClash

Name: 關聖宮聯誼會
Tag: #VQQG0VYC (View Ingame)
Description: 死鱼低本勿进 本部落看重联赛竞赛 部落战常年无休 联赛三黑送🛫不打请请假,联赛不打直接走人。联赛请打对位,要换位置先问清楚。欢迎高手助阵。积极捐兵,你的付出都看在眼里记在心里。进wx群打联赛(NJS-0709)
Location: Malaysia
Requirements: open - 3000 trophies
War Stats: 239 wins (0 streak), 9 ties, 174 losses
Members: 33 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: Prep Day vs. clan cari teman (None)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
20RYGYLVREpsilon Mb1400
22QC2GC02JonSon.G Eld150371
2QJ9RY0GQSailor Moon Eld15103282
80JJPQGQWeiyang999 Co160371
8928C0VYonghong :-) Eld1312390
9092QY8Lold Trafford Eld1454517
CYU0RYGCkay Mb150435
G2RYP9QLekcl Mb130627
G2YYG9LVJsoluxe cotonou Mb?9722072
GP2RL8SieN GaME HaHa~ Co160691
GQCR8YQ0L大咖来上课 Mb?00
JG2QQVV8千里單騎Castle Long Mb?00
LCLVLG9J0将王 Co162208668
LG9P9G00慵懒的小强 Mb?00
LJ8V88UQQ天空之镜 Co14208354
LV0Q9GP8Gns Mb1400
LVV0J0PVV人生若只如初见 Co1614011836
LYJ022VRG魔幻圣境 Co15520939
P0U99RRP神圣接班 Led?31521429
PU8JL2UJLegend.B Eld143170
Q0PPJ0V90✨✨JS磊神✨✨ Co?19241640
Q8QG9UGJQlauyiwang Mb?00
QC20RVGLPunisher Co1500135
QC2P2L0JC雄霸 Mb?0464
QG0GJJU9Rเจ้าคุณ Mb?0155
QPLP0G9Y9Bangkali S Eld?00135
QPYY02QCR孤仙 Mb?00
QQQC009Vtttooo Co164500
QVC0RP98宇智波·杜甫 Mb?00135
QVJ2V8LQCyuhen2824 Mb?00135
VVPJGVGV打我啦 Eld?418382
YJPRJCVedward.ej Mb150505
YQUYU9JVLSandy Co15551908

Clan Activity
2025-03-11 15:00:58Changed clan level from from 20 to 21.
2025-03-11 15:00:58Changed clan description from 欢迎加入👏🏻休闲娱乐 招活跃朋友 一起开开心心玩 联赛被选到一定要打 每个月竞赛做满+每月捐兵5000长老 注重联赛 不打请先声明 尽量活跃 积极捐兵不要乱捐 wx:NJS-0709(进群) to 死鱼低本勿进 本部落看重联赛竞赛 部落战常年无休 联赛三黑送🛫不打请请假,联赛不打直接走人。联赛请打对位,要换位置先问清楚。欢迎高手助阵。积极捐兵,你的付出都看在眼里记在心里。进wx群打联赛(NJS-0709).
2024-10-26 19:02:26Changed clan level from from 14 to 20.
2024-10-26 19:02:26Changed clan location from China to Malaysia.
2024-10-26 19:02:26Changed clan description from 不要伸手党(捐收1:2)!!不要学生党!!!常驻加部落Q群365318268 加微信 :18967124901 祝游戏愉快! to 欢迎加入👏🏻休闲娱乐 招活跃朋友 一起开开心心玩 联赛被选到一定要打 每个月竞赛做满+每月捐兵5000长老 注重联赛 不打请先声明 尽量活跃 积极捐兵不要乱捐 wx:NJS-0709(进群).
2024-10-26 19:02:26Changed clan name from 虎丘 to 關聖宮聯誼會.
2020-01-25 01:03:19Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-11 15:00:59yuanming (YYYQ992Y) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:00:59晚欣 (YUGGU20C2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:00:59王者至尊 (QRV0JJ9R) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:00:59阿凯 (PVV9L9JGY) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:00:59暖哥庄 (LRJJJYQ02) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:00:59Murli (8RCG29GQR) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:00:58梦想王国 (80GGJQRV8) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:00:58lauyiwang (Q8QG9UGJQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58Yonghong :-) (8928C0V) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2025-03-11 15:00:58เจ้าคุณ (QG0GJJU9R) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:00:58孤仙 (QPYY02QCR) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:00:58慵懒的小强 (LG9P9G00) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:00:58kay (CYU0RYGC) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58old Trafford (9092QY8L) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58old Trafford (9092QY8L) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2025-03-11 15:00:58SieN GaME HaHa~ (GP2RL8) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58Gns (LV0Q9GP8) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58雄霸 (QC2P2L0JC) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58ekcl (G2RYP9QL) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58edward.ej (YJPRJCV) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58Legend.B (PU8JL2UJ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58天空之镜 (LJ8V88UQQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58Sandy (YQUYU9JVL) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58魔幻圣境 (LYJ022VRG) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58大咖来上课 (GQCR8YQ0L) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58Sailor Moon (2QJ9RY0GQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58Epsilon (20RYGYLVR) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:00:58JonSon.G (22QC2GC02) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58千里單騎Castle Long (JG2QQVV8) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58打我啦 (VVPJGVGV) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:00:58人生若只如初见 (LVV0J0PVV) joined the clan as a coleader.
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Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin