Timestamp | Action | Clan |
2025-02-25 16:18:22 | Seen in clan as a member on initial scan. | 小騷兔集散地 (No League Association) |
2022-06-22 05:10:27 | Left clan. | 51區指揮總部 (No League Association) |
2021-02-16 15:11:44 | Seen in clan as a member on initial scan. | 51區指揮總部 (No League Association) |
2020-02-16 08:21:41 | Left clan. | 22鍋鍋 (No League Association) |
2020-02-15 04:44:35 | Seen in clan as a member on initial scan. | 22鍋鍋 (No League Association) |
Date | Information |
2020-02-14 | Was #3 and hit #5 for 3 stars (100%), in a draw war: 22鍋鍋 (None) vs. SOLIDARITY CLAN (None) |
2020-02-14 | Was #3 and hit #4 for 1 stars (67%), in a draw war: 22鍋鍋 (None) vs. SOLIDARITY CLAN (None) |
Metadata | Note | Author |