Timestamp | Action | Clan |
2025-02-23 20:59:54 | Reset donations/receives, had 3686 donates and 19566 receives before, 4081 donates and 14935 receives after. | Eowomond (No League Association) |
2024-09-23 17:22:00 | Seen in clan as a coleader on initial scan. | Eowomond (No League Association) |
2020-02-08 09:34:59 | Seen in clan as a coleader on initial scan. | BURMA ARMY (No League Association) |
2019-12-13 10:27:00 | Left clan. | MYANMAR (No League Association) |
2019-12-11 02:36:31 | Seen in clan as an elder on initial scan. | MYANMAR (No League Association) |
Date | Information |
Metadata | Note | Author |