Clan A | Clan B | ||||
Devils House (#Y9UQ9CGP) (Former League Clan (FWA )) lvl. 22 50 people, 25★ 14.04% 16 Attacks |
MaheshpurFriend (#29PG9PPRV) (No League Association) lvl. 13 50 people, 138★ 92% 46 Attacks |
1 | Zain Ali (#2RRRUGCV9) | No attacks | 1 | lj (#22UY8V2Y) | 1. Hit #1: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #2: 3 stars 100 |
2 | MrRhEzZzA (#2909UV99) | No attacks | 2 | 맹수 (#R2Y99VC0) | 1. Hit #5: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #10: 3 stars 100 |
3 | dark42 (#ULULV9YP) | No attacks | 3 | MANISH❤BHAVNA (#Y2QL992G2) | No attacks |
4 | Mr barbarian 2 (#PJG822J8P) | No attacks | 4 | AKASH KR SAHU (#PCQYRJL9V) | No attacks |
5 | barb (#92ULRGP92) | No attacks | 5 | defense (#2L2P2JG2P) | 1. Hit #18: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #19: 3 stars 100 |
6 | Akash (#9V2C8UY82) | No attacks | 6 | SUDIPTA (#L8QUVPU8L) | No attacks |
7 | THE INVINCIBLE© (#9LCQ220LC) | 1. Hit #26: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #29: 3 stars 100% | 7 | Lord my village (#LY80QV98G) | 1. Hit #14: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #15: 3 stars 100 |
8 | pratt saga' (#20QLP898P) | No attacks | 8 | K2 karan (#L2U9P08YP) | 1. Hit #8: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #7: 3 stars 100 |
9 | Zain Ali (#9Y88QURGG) | No attacks | 9 | COC MASTER (#8U9UYLC09) | No attacks |
10 | Zain Ali (#9VPY0PPRP) | No attacks | 10 | SHAIK FAME (#9QQP800LC) | 1. Hit #16: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #17: 3 stars 100 |
11 | Kingsman (#2UP8RUVPG) | No attacks | 11 | SATYAM (#9GRQCV0CY) | 1. Hit #3: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #4: 3 stars 100 |
12 | Mr BARBARIAN (#9P99RPU99) | No attacks | 12 | çj (#8908CJCCG) | 1. Hit #6: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #9: 3 stars 100 |
13 | ❤️ ❤️fINISHER❤ (#8R00CQJG9) | No attacks | 13 | yash2 (#9GRC992YC) | 1. Hit #11: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #13: 3 stars 100 |
14 | Lord Voldemort (#L0LQ90992) | No attacks | 14 | Never Beatable (#PC9QJ8UV2) | No attacks |
15 | Sanjay (#L2J9J00VJ) | No attacks | 15 | N@yan (#9JYP09YCY) | 1. Hit #49: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #48: 3 stars 100 |
16 | vatsal (#88UQCYQLC) | 1. Hit #6: 1 stars 9% 2. Hit #10: 1 stars 13% | 16 | fadz (#P8VL28VPP) | No attacks |
17 | RAJA{®®} (#9CVY9QLLR) | No attacks | 17 | 『ƦЄĐ』ᴳᵒᵈJØ₭€℟ (#YGYVPUGG0) | No attacks |
18 | Ranjeet (#PR2RQLQY0) | No attacks | 18 | Abrar Choudhary (#JQUG0PLU) | No attacks |
19 | FỊÅŻ (#92RRLJQGP) | No attacks | 19 | Coc fighter (#PYJVUJ209) | 1. Hit #28: 3 stars 100 |
20 | _Wajahat_ (#Y9CLUPQV9) | No attacks | 20 | King of badshah (#YLLJRRUV0) | No attacks |
21 | Zain Ali (#8VLVJU0QL) | No attacks | 21 | Dipu (#V9YLJRPJ) | 1. Hit #21: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #12: 3 stars 100 |
22 | MATRIX (#89Q8J8U0J) | 1. Hit #13: 1 stars 13% 2. Hit #15: 1 stars 9% | 22 | aryan (#YPVUQR9L9) | No attacks |
23 | Zain Ali (#2PL8RU82R) | No attacks | 23 | peeyush 2 (#P8PYGRR09) | 1. Hit #20: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #22: 3 stars 100 |
24 | Bʜͥa̍ʀͦᴀͮᴛͤ (#LJ2VJRRQV) | No attacks | 24 | KATRNAK (#LL0V0JCLQ) | No attacks |
25 | Mr Knight (#PUGV2CJYR) | No attacks | 25 | SAGAR (#9URCV92GP) | 1. Hit #46: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #47: 3 stars 100 |
26 | JAAT BOY (#2V092882) | No attacks | 26 | GJ™ SANKET JAIN (#L0QJYL8UJ) | 1. Hit #26: 3 stars 100 |
27 | RoÇkY (#9QJPQJRL9) | No attacks | 27 | Legend Vidit (#LJ8U0L2PC) | No attacks |
28 | ÁĹĨ ĶĨŃĞ. (#90UY990RJ) | No attacks | 28 | ZWNGSAR (#YVLCQY0GY) | 1. Hit #34: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #30: 3 stars 100 |
29 | Zohaib Abbas (#Y9RCG2GYU) | No attacks | 29 | FIDAWG (#29YVVVUC8) | No attacks |
30 | p@c!f!C (#2LQGVCQLY) | No attacks | 30 | madpatel (#9QQGGJG82) | No attacks |
31 | Archer King (#YV8CGYRU2) | No attacks | 31 | Dipujit (#98QLQQQ9V) | 1. Hit #31: 3 stars 100 |
32 | BO$$ (#PQL29J8LP) | No attacks | 32 | Raj soumadip (#PRGY20U9G) | No attacks |
33 | munir (#Q0YJRYV2C) | 1. Hit #49: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #47: 1 stars 85% | 33 | karthik008 (#9CCUYLRY) | No attacks |
34 | jatin duhan (#RPYUYCR9) | No attacks | 34 | Ankit Singh (#P9UVL2YYU) | No attacks |
35 | Sam (#99QYCU09Y) | 1. Hit #20: 1 stars 17% 2. Hit #4: 1 stars 20% | 35 | MAHESH (#YPRRGUQQQ) | 1. Hit #38: 3 stars 100 |
36 | ®ebel (#8RQYCYLC9) | No attacks | 36 | ASHISH (#PUYQJPRL8) | No attacks |
37 | the player (#99PRQQJRY) | No attacks | 37 | arbaz khan (#YPGRCRV20) | 1. Hit #39: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #42: 3 stars 100 |
38 | ×͜×Akki369乂❤‿❤乂 (#L0V9PJPU0) | No attacks | 38 | naitik (#L2LJRVCY0) | 1. Hit #50: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #41: 3 stars 100 |
39 | AV (#PJYRJ992P) | No attacks | 39 | INSTANT DONATER (#L20UUU0VL) | No attacks |
40 | AKA~DRAKEN (#8G99RQGPU) | No attacks | 40 | Rudraksh (#PQ8YCUC8C) | 1. Hit #37: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #36: 3 stars 100 |
41 | TÂLWÂRÌYÀ (#P2UYURRLC) | No attacks | 41 | peeyush (#8LGC8LG8R) | 1. Hit #23: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #24: 3 stars 100 |
42 | Sam (#9VPLJPLG0) | 1. Hit #48: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #50: 2 stars 62% | 42 | Hardipsinh (#92G9V8J8V) | 1. Hit #32: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #29: 3 stars 100 |
43 | amaan (#PLRCQ2U08) | No attacks | 43 | Mayank (#YG0LG00Y8) | No attacks |
44 | ☬M̷O̷N̷S̷T̷E̷R̷ (#L08R0CCRC) | No attacks | 44 | Mihir (#9CPLGGYGP) | 1. Hit #44: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #43: 3 stars 100 |
45 | Vansh Mhatre (#PPL0209PV) | 1. Hit #3: 1 stars 25% 2. Hit #8: 1 stars 2% | 45 | محمد مصطفى (#YC8V2G8GJ) | No attacks |
46 | Ohana (#LGYRJV8QY) | No attacks | 46 | nolan (#8QR8PQ0QC) | No attacks |
47 | Killer Machine (#P2CPY2G88) | No attacks | 47 | Jay mataji (#8LPPCYYVL) | 1. Hit #40: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #33: 3 stars 100 |
48 | Talwariya boss (#YG00LC8QG) | No attacks | 48 | Rudraksh (#LYR0GGCUJ) | No attacks |
49 | Sam (#LYUC20R88) | 1. Hit #23: 1 stars 16% 2. Hit #28: 1 stars 31% | 49 | YOHESH (#YYQ880LYP) | No attacks |
50 | < | No attacks | 50 | kartheeswaran (#YYQCU8R2P) | No attacks |