Clan A | Clan B | ||||
U.N. SOLDIERS (#2909VC09C) (No League Association) lvl. 14 40 people, 86★ 76.45% 41 Attacks |
SWEET DREEM (#2LUYGLR99) (No League Association) lvl. 10 40 people, 85★ 76.525% 54 Attacks |
1 | Naylinaung (#2CJJRU0LY) | 1. Hit #21: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #2: 2 stars 74% | 1 | Kathik thala (#PPVU00ULP) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 68 2. Hit #2: 2 stars 57 |
2 | Mightor Power 2 (#PLYY28LCC) | 1. Hit #4: 1 stars 48% | 2 | danzer (#UP99G0GR) | 1. Hit #3: 2 stars 77 2. Hit #4: 3 stars 100 |
3 | saiful (#P8YLU0V29) | 1. Hit #3: 2 stars 67% 2. Hit #5: 2 stars 89% | 3 | kasim dav (#890CLJ99G) | 1. Hit #28: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #20: 1 stars 96 |
4 | MP3 (#YG2LGPG89) | 1. Hit #11: 2 stars 89% | 4 | Rockstar Moin K (#2L20P9GRC) | 1. Hit #1: 2 stars 67 |
5 | Captain Awesome (#20PC2UPV0) | No attacks | 5 | power star (#PP9U2U2L8) | 1. Hit #2: 1 stars 60 2. Hit #13: 2 stars 82 |
6 | MP4 (#YGVYVUU2U) | 1. Hit #12: 2 stars 72% | 6 | Snehashis SM..✌ (#YY90G2QGP) | No attacks |
7 | Raphael (#LG8VPUCC) | 1. Hit #7: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #10: 3 stars 100% | 7 | Happy (#LRQGGVJY2) | 1. Hit #8: 1 stars 53 2. Hit #7: 2 stars 62 |
8 | #_MANDIRIGMA_# (#PJLQUJ20G) | No attacks | 8 | ★RAVITEJA★ (#PRGC00G) | 1. Hit #6: 0 stars 45 |
9 | pogi (#8Y88PV28C) | 1. Hit #23: 2 stars 67% | 9 | ⚡Philip_P_Ines⚡ (#90RR9YCUL) | No attacks |
10 | THUNDERBOLT (#YGQPU9LC2) | 1. Hit #25: 2 stars 78% | 10 | koung (#920UQR0YP) | 1. Hit #11: 1 stars 50 2. Hit #9: 2 stars 58 |
11 | Girlfriend (#8PU90J0PC) | No attacks | 11 | Yadav ji :: (#YJVUGQQQL) | 1. Hit #21: 1 stars 43 2. Hit #11: 2 stars 50 |
12 | The Boxer (#YC2UUQR8R) | 1. Hit #39: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #26: 2 stars 76% | 12 | Myo Nin (#QYQJQQJ0C) | 1. Hit #24: 2 stars 91 2. Hit #25: 2 stars 98 |
13 | andrei (#2RY0RV0RU) | 1. Hit #13: 2 stars 81% | 13 | THE BOSS KING (#PGCYCLR0G) | 1. Hit #27: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #26: 2 stars 88 |
14 | QUEEN@DJ ALOK (#QGJCUQYRV) | 1. Hit #20: 3 stars 100% | 14 | Nao Tomori (#2C2CU99R8) | 1. Hit #20: 2 stars 92 |
15 | JUANAMARIA (#YYUR29PU0) | 1. Hit #16: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #18: 3 stars 100% | 15 | KPS Roth (#QY8RRG8JR) | 1. Hit #16: 2 stars 80 2. Hit #18: 1 stars 73 |
16 | Mihawk_21 (#Q2RY8QQL) | 1. Hit #15: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #19: 3 stars 100% | 16 | Mailss (#P9R02GVVG) | 1. Hit #19: 2 stars 59 2. Hit #14: 2 stars 75 |
17 | Sheikh Dann (#YUP20J8GC) | 1. Hit #28: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #30: 2 stars 91% | 17 | Suvankar (#Q9Y2YPU09) | 1. Hit #6: 2 stars 69 2. Hit #12: 2 stars 67 |
18 | BOSSonin (#L9LUJYPP0) | 1. Hit #17: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #14: 3 stars 100% | 18 | nick fury (#L0JL9CVR8) | 1. Hit #38: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #37: 3 stars 100 |
19 | Wie_je_was (#28YVLYL0Q) | 1. Hit #22: 1 stars 89% 2. Hit #24: 3 stars 100% | 19 | SAMEER (#9J9U2JC9Y) | 1. Hit #36: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #33: 3 stars 100 |
20 | SAMY (#2CV2LL8Y9) | 1. Hit #27: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #29: 3 stars 100% | 20 | Ankur Samanta (#PR8PGJJY9) | 1. Hit #35: 2 stars 97 |
21 | Md Shahin Alam (#L9V8P8YY9) | No attacks | 21 | roman reings (#PJGG0CGP9) | No attacks |
22 | NHAT_NHA_NHAMIY (#8J9RQC2J2) | No attacks | 22 | mich B. aldosri (#2QRG28LY0) | 1. Hit #23: 2 stars 62 2. Hit #29: 2 stars 78 |
23 | blaze (#L2LGVYUVG) | No attacks | 23 | R.K.ADDITIONAL (#QY0G2GV20) | 1. Hit #22: 0 stars 42 2. Hit #40: 3 stars 100 |
24 | bhokey (#LJ0ULRCQ2) | 1. Hit #24: 1 stars 71% | 24 | SUVANKAR pushpa (#QJQVRJU2C) | 1. Hit #5: 2 stars 57 2. Hit #10: 2 stars 56 |
25 | Moonraker (#L0990PJ8V) | 1. Hit #37: 2 stars 67% 2. Hit #33: 2 stars 58% | 25 | my wakanda (#PQ09GGUVC) | No attacks |
26 | Star Maker (#YUCRJQL9R) | 1. Hit #32: 1 stars 60% 2. Hit #31: 2 stars 53% | 26 | phoenix (#882LJ22JQ) | 1. Hit #30: 1 stars 76 2. Hit #34: 3 stars 100 |
27 | Raphael 04 (#YR2PJVJG9) | 1. Hit #32: 2 stars 64% | 27 | sasanka (#QUGPR99VG) | 1. Hit #1: 0 stars 37 2. Hit #17: 2 stars 55 |
28 | Eye (#8Y0G2VGYQ) | No attacks | 28 | yash (#L9L8YUGL0) | 1. Hit #35: 0 stars 45 |
29 | Mightor Power (#2UU8Q98GJ) | 1. Hit #37: 1 stars 55% 2. Hit #36: 2 stars 66% | 29 | gauravgla (#LRG9RY2PG) | 1. Hit #30: 1 stars 57 |
30 | KPG-GOONER (#GRY2RUUY) | No attacks | 30 | aditya dedha (#YUQ8R89RC) | No attacks |
31 | christian (#8J0R92PGV) | No attacks | 31 | prashant (#29PQPPRCQ) | 1. Hit #31: 3 stars 100 |
32 | Battle Me More (#29PCPC29Y) | No attacks | 32 | MAN OF STEEL (#9PRRG00QQ) | 1. Hit #36: 1 stars 91 2. Hit #32: 2 stars 69 |
33 | PIYARUL (#PJL202Y2G) | No attacks | 33 | MITOHA STRESS. (#PQ8GVGYVP) | 1. Hit #35: 1 stars 70 2. Hit #22: 2 stars 70 |
34 | ❤PRiNCESS❤ (#2VJGPURLL) | 1. Hit #34: 1 stars 65% | 34 | cynthia (#29U8JP9V) | 1. Hit #34: 1 stars 58 2. Hit #39: 1 stars 48 |
35 | [ EMPEROR ] (#LRP02GL9R) | 1. Hit #35: 2 stars 65% | 35 | Ejian marak (#Y0992P8GC) | No attacks |
36 | .wVw. (#2ULG2YLLL) | No attacks | 36 | VATSAL (#YGLP9QQUU) | 1. Hit #39: 3 stars 100 |
37 | hemanth splash (#LQY2GRPRY) | 1. Hit #38: 2 stars 61% 2. Hit #9: 1 stars 38% | 37 | Ricky (#2Y2QRP9VG) | No attacks |
38 | MP5 (#LQRCQGGYC) | 1. Hit #39: 1 stars 86% 2. Hit #40: 3 stars 100% | 38 | Ko zin (#LV880U88Y) | No attacks |
39 | Dimple (#YV080PLY8) | No attacks | 39 | Buddhadeb DJ (#QJ0L99YCY) | 1. Hit #40: 2 stars 90 2. Hit #39: 1 stars 66 |
40 | iza (#QGLLJ2LGQ) | No attacks | 40 | ROCKY ; (#QRJV8988Q) | No attacks |