FWA ChocolateClash

Name: ابطال الحروب
Tag: #20YU9UUGC (View Ingame)
Description: ①الاحترام اهم شي②التواجد في حرب القبائل③ترقية مساعد حسب دعم④ال مشاركة في مباريات القبيلةحتة تضمن بقائك⑤دعم غلط ينطرد⑥متقبل احد الا قائد مساعد يقبلة⑦حياكم
Location: International
Requirements: inviteOnly - 0 trophies
War Stats: 76 wins (0 streak), 2 ties, 31 losses
Members: 13 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: War Ended vs. ابطال الحروب (None)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
8QQ20CVL0طہركہآعہة Led1000
92C9CRLJJمستشار عزرائيل Mb1000
LCVVC92CPالجنرال Eld400
LRCY9RR0YKing Co?00
Q8CRRV0V8Muslim Mb?00
Q9CJUPGRRسفاح Eld?00
QY2Y9CCJ00000 Co?00
Y0V9PPV8RØٱڷﭳڹږٱڷ࿐ Co?00
YLLP0UUY9بلال الكربولي Co900
YQ82RVG8VNoura M Co600
YQQR0LLY2عمر الكربولي Eld800
YQV08C80Rحب وحرب Eld600
YURJ0LJLQالقادح Mb?00

Clan Activity
2025-03-03 14:28:30Changed clan level from from 5 to 8.
2020-10-16 19:50:35Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-03 14:28:30محمد الكربولي (YCQQ8L0YP) left the clan.
2025-03-03 14:28:30محمد علي (Q0QYVV9RC) left the clan.
2025-03-03 14:28:30ملك الضلام (PC8RCLRRP) left the clan.
2025-03-03 14:28:30OUSSAMA_YT3 (LRRJ2CQQP) left the clan.
2025-03-03 14:28:30الجنرال (LCVVC92CP) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-03 14:28:300000 (QY2Y9CCJ0) joined the clan as a coleader.
2025-03-03 14:28:30عمر الكربولي (YQQR0LLY2) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-03 14:28:30حب وحرب (YQV08C80R) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-03 14:28:30مستشار عزرائيل (92C9CRLJJ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-03 14:28:30مستشار عزرائيل (92C9CRLJJ) changed rank from a coleader to a member.
2025-03-03 14:28:30Muslim (Q8CRRV0V8) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-03 14:28:30سفاح (Q9CJUPGRR) joined the clan as an elder.
2025-03-03 14:28:30القادح (YURJ0LJLQ) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-03 14:28:30Noura M (YQ82RVG8V) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-03 14:28:30Noura M (YQ82RVG8V) changed rank from an elder to a coleader.
2025-03-03 14:28:30King (LRCY9RR0Y) changed rank from an elder to a coleader.
2025-03-03 14:28:30بلال الكربولي (YLLP0UUY9) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-03 14:28:30Øٱڷﭳڹږٱڷ࿐ (Y0V9PPV8R) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-03 14:28:30طہركہآعہة (8QQ20CVL0) had their donates/recieves reset.
2020-10-21 18:21:33ملك ظلام (YGVQJQV29) left the clan.
2020-10-21 04:43:13حمودي الواسطي (2LLQGRURP) left the clan.
2020-10-20 15:36:49حمودي الواسطي (2LLQGRURP) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2020-10-20 02:03:40محمد علي (Q0QYVV9RC) joined the clan as an elder.
2020-10-18 23:50:25Abdul@ (LV9YG9UJR) left the clan.
2020-10-18 23:50:25حمودي الواسطي (2LLQGRURP) joined the clan as a member.
2020-10-16 19:50:35الجنرال (LCVVC92CP) was an elder on initial scan.
2020-10-16 19:50:35Noura M (YQ82RVG8V) was an elder on initial scan.
2020-10-16 19:50:35King (LRCY9RR0Y) was an elder on initial scan.
2020-10-16 19:50:35حب وحرب (YQV08C80R) was an elder on initial scan.
2020-10-16 19:50:35ملك ظلام (YGVQJQV29) was a member on initial scan.
2020-10-16 19:50:35محمد الكربولي (YCQQ8L0YP) was an elder on initial scan.
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Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin