FWA ChocolateClash

Tag: #290QYJ8GY (View Ingame)
Description: join active member play war, clan games and raid regularly. Doneting and show your activity. Follow those word and get Promote automatic. ❤️❤️FOR Clasher it's. a family clan. God bless you ❤️❤️❤️❤️.01610139347 WhatsApp. server Bangladesh
Location: Bangladesh
Requirements: open - 1500 trophies
War Stats: 197 wins (0 streak), 2 ties, 292 losses
Members: 17 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: War Ended vs. BD TIGHER (None)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
2G09CC8QGRaju Boss Eld1000
9GJ98UGY9TAMIM $ $ Eld?00
9Q8G89UU9SHAON Mb?00
9ULJU2VGYRiaj 3 Co1300467
G8RGPGCCYEasy way... Mb?00
L2JVVLPJGTarek 2 Co1100467
L8GP2PGGJTohAmmëL [^_^] Mb?00470
L9UVQ2V2QReaj- 2 Co1200
LQPLU9RCGReaj-4 Mb1100
QQLV288UGtapu Eld1400
YUR2PQ20UTarek Co1200
YVQ2CRV28Mr reaj Led1300

Clan Activity
2025-03-11 22:27:52Changed clan level from from 16 to 18.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Changed clan description from join active member play war, clan games and raid regularly. Doneting and show your activity. Follow those word and get Promote automatic. ❤️❤️FOR Clasher it's. a family clan. God bless you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ to join active member play war, clan games and raid regularly. Doneting and show your activity. Follow those word and get Promote automatic. ❤️❤️FOR Clasher it's. a family clan. God bless you ❤️❤️❤️❤️.01610139347 WhatsApp. server Bangladesh.
2023-11-24 08:50:15Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-11 22:27:52Malthe (YVYQC0GR8) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Striker Rahat (YRRC8Q9PU) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52siliusBW (YG9RUQL8V) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52babypro (Y8CJCLVJP) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52KING WARDEN (Y22GVQPRJ) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Rimon444 (QYR88PCP2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52£king✓ (QY88CG2Q0) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52houssem (QV98UV8VP) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Mystic (QUPGUYY2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Tousif (QU2P0JPYY) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52MD Mehedi (QJ8CVG0LG) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Kung fu (QCCRC9YL8) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52ananta (Q9908RJJC) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Nirnoy (Q2PGGPYRV) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52akash (Q2C8ULYL9) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52R”A”S”H”E”L (P2RGRQ29L) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Rejwan (LVCPJGY2L) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Lone Wanderer (LLP00YL2C) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Sourov Roy (LG80VRRLG) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Devil's king (LCU0L9VYQ) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52A I RASHED (L9CVJGJG9) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52lacky (L2Y28VCR2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Niloy** (L0C2Q89Q2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Atomix (G2LVLLR9L) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52ASIK AHMED (9UV28PLYC) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52BANGLADESH WC (9CPL9QVP2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Mahfuj Ahmed (9C08R0U0Y) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52MD IBRAHIM LEU (929CRQQQ) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Hamood (8Q0GJV228) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52Felipe50154 (8P20CURUV) left the clan.
2025-03-11 22:27:52JOHIR RAYHAN (GRUVVY2P8) joined the clan as a coleader.
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Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin