Timestamp | Action |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | last game (YUQQL2JQP) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 페퍼양 (UR8PJCYY) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 보아핸콕✩ (LUJGY2Y) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | last game (LCRVJ88JL) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | Metallica (JP9YUCPR) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 마뇽 (J8UR0C90) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 추적6인분 (2PLGLGVU0) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 이두박근 삼두박근 (28JLYLY2R) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | Ultrang (220C9JPJ2) left the clan. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 근갈비 (QUU8GL88R) joined the clan as a member. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 너가뭔데 (20V2LUR0U) changed rank from an elder to a member. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 질럿 (29PR9LLJJ) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 지민이 학살 (LLLVURJQ2) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | sugy (Q8LRG0JV) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | [w-s-c]*VINXEN (9YL2JUV2C) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 반사회성 성격장애와 품행장애 (9UYY0QJVR) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | ㅤㅤ (VGP90Y99) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 루카치치 (JJQG8LL) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 촥촥 (GVR8P2LY) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 동장군 (UCL90UUU) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | Vei (LGQPVL8) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | Guns N' Roses (CU20LUPU) changed rank from a coleader to an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 방구탱구 (9ULQ8PQ2) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 무킹 (22CCCLU2R) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 백사 (22YULJPY9) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | ⚡️ALFA⚡️ (2Q2YQ992P) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | Henry.B (UP9QGRRP) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 이진경 (V29L0GPV) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | ⭕AΜΑƉΕuS⭕ (22QLL2C0C) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | Dior (209YYC9RC) joined the clan as an elder. |
2025-03-11 22:27:52 | 삶은닭 (208QYCJJ8) changed rank from a member to an elder. |
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