Timestamp | Action |
2025-03-10 14:32:41 | erol (LRGYCQ82Y) left the clan. |
2025-03-10 14:32:41 | محمد (LPGUVGU2G) left the clan. |
2025-03-10 14:32:41 | مستر جوكر (LLYJR2QU0) left the clan. |
2025-03-10 14:32:41 | العراقي (LJYCJ0PUG) left the clan. |
2025-03-10 14:32:41 | غضب اليل (LJ0RJ0GCV) left the clan. |
2025-03-10 14:32:41 | shgrdy (99JYQPULY) left the clan. |
2025-03-10 14:32:41 | حمصية (QLCYQ2QU8) joined the clan as the leader. |
2020-02-27 05:28:06 | الملك الراقي (LCC9R9CPQ) left the clan. |
2020-02-27 05:28:06 | ايهم قاهر كلاش (CRU0J9J9) left the clan. |
2020-02-27 05:28:06 | البحر الحزين (8PG0CLR9J) left the clan. |
2020-02-27 05:28:06 | shgrdy (99JYQPULY) joined the clan as a member. |
2020-02-27 05:28:06 | ✌شيخ الجبل✌ (YCVVG2CRY) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2020-02-27 05:28:06 | ✌شيخ الجبل✌ (YCVVG2CRY) changed rank from an elder to a member. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | قاهرة القلوب (YG9QCCQPR) left the clan. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | قاهر القلوب (LRL0UL000) left the clan. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | أَرطُغْرُلْ (9LLY2RGRR) left the clan. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | الملك الراقي (LCC9R9CPQ) joined the clan as an elder. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | erol (LRGYCQ82Y) joined the clan as an elder. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | حسن (LJCPPR2GV) changed rank from the leader to an elder. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | آبہوٌ عہزآبہ (L998LR8VQ) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | آبہوٌ عہزآبہ (L998LR8VQ) changed rank from a coleader to the leader. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | ✌شيخ الجبل✌ (YCVVG2CRY) changed rank from a coleader to an elder. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | ابو حسن (98PGLJYVR) changed rank from a coleader to an elder. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | ادلبي ومفتخر (9VCPPGQ9G) changed rank from a coleader to an elder. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | ايهم قاهر كلاش (CRU0J9J9) had their donates/recieves reset. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | ايهم قاهر كلاش (CRU0J9J9) changed rank from an elder to a member. |
2020-02-26 16:40:07 | البحر الحزين (8PG0CLR9J) changed rank from a coleader to an elder. |
2020-02-26 03:29:01 | ايهم قاهر كلاش (CRU0J9J9) joined the clan as an elder. |
2020-02-26 03:29:01 | قاهرة القلوب (YG9QCCQPR) changed rank from a member to a coleader. |
2020-02-25 14:45:01 | قاهر القلوب (LRL0UL000) was a member on initial scan. |
2020-02-25 14:45:01 | مستر جوكر (LLYJR2QU0) was an elder on initial scan. |
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