FWA ChocolateClash

Tag: #Y88R8GP9 (View Ingame)
Description: 💠Growing Clan💠 ❄️Max Clan Games❄️ 👾NonStop Wars👾 🍀Clan Game Required 1k+ Score🍀
Location: United States
Requirements: open - 0 trophies
War Stats: 145 wins (2 streak), 3 ties, 255 losses
Members: 50 (PC)
Log: Public (Inspect)
Current War: War Ended vs. REALM OF CHAOS (None)
Association: No League Association

Current Members
IDName PosThDonatesReceivesInactivity (?)
20GYJL0V9Leonidas Mb?9361796
29YC2ULG8dmarklive Mb?00
2CUYUU8RXxKillerPutinxX Mb?00
2J29P8C8YImmortalMustach Eld1000
2J8QCP2PPLord Jared Led1654524657
2V2L2U2CUobama Co1400
88R8UUVVSosa Hayd Mb1200
8P8LRVR8CCompton12 Mb1300
9CQCUY2PQDevil Mb?00
9UJYJQ0U8Sasan Mb?00
9UQGPV8GCall_Me_PAPII Co1627113071
9YV02QG90Sir clashalot Co1515271391
C2JG2RG9eZe Co1612661317
C8Y0UYPQsissy10 Mb?00413
C99LJ8Y8DurkiTurky Mb1300
G028PV9Y8●Á҉Č҉Ĥ҉Ĺ҉Ŷ҉Ś҉◤ Mb?00
G0GGCVYYYKevin Mb?00
G0VQGYYV0Ethan Mb?00
G89GVYY82Mads15 Eld?0370
G992V8Y2Vgrayjailer Mb9266
GCYYJR2Y2TKLPZ.223 Mb?0134
GP8PG92U2Dan The Man Mb?0167
GP98U2YRQChristopher Mb?00
JRL0V8UYZachery Co15083
LJGVQQGYGBeo the Block Eld16152988
LJVQ0J0VG꧁☆☬κɪɴɢ☬☆꧂ Mb114067
LJYJGP8Q2IlIIl Eld127860
P0QUCRQYmason Co1315480
P9QJJGYGeZe5555 Co1635152504
PCJGQRRY2Try me Mb1300
PG0LU2RQPApollyon Mb?390
PGGYJJLG0desiigner Co1300
PJ0GQ8JQSEAN3 Co161284175
Q0Q9C99UGlittlep Mb11035
Q9RRLUVCLTry me!!! Mb?192864
QG2029CJjackattack715 Eld132740
QJPRL8L0JYadirules Eld?590
QJUJ8Q8R⚡️WIZ-O-TRON⚡️ Mb122134970
QVG802G9Gmister rodgers7 Mb?00
QVJ9GU0RJCharlie Mb?00
QYPLVJ0RCMikeyJ- Eld?00413
Y99VQ92L⚡️ W i z ⚡️ Co11543432
YCYJYRYPRSl0_328i Mb?00
YP00L09L9Zikov Mb13104156
YQLLURUCPlmac76 Eld1458546

Clan Activity
2025-03-11 15:18:11Changed clan level from from 19 to 21.
2024-01-22 06:13:20Changed clan level from from 14 to 19.
2020-08-17 00:22:56Clan first seen by system.

Clan Member Activity
2025-03-11 15:18:11الهمداني (QVRCYYQCC) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Eli;) (QCURUPLJR) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11عبدالرحمن طاهر (PL2QYLP09) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11clay (P99RQLGL) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11♣️♥️pijush♥️♣️ (P0YPYVL9C) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Marieee (LV8800VRR) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Daniel (LJ8RJYQL2) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11TheMsMarvel89 (L2VUGRCCL) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11platupus41 (GP0YQ00Q8) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Thomas (G0RQ9CY0C) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Captain Cymru (CQYC2JQ8) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Steeevoh (C8U02UU0) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11300-[SparTans]- (9RY2QCLR) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Sean3 (89LQVQ2PU) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11shaq (2YJ2GCQCV) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11bdizzle (2PUQVUL0P) left the clan.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Hi (QVPVPCYQ2) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Christopher (GP98U2YRQ) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Ethan (G0VQGYYV0) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Kevin (G0GGCVYYY) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11grayjailer (G992V8Y2V) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11●Á҉Č҉Ĥ҉Ĺ҉Ŷ҉Ś҉◤ (G028PV9Y8) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Dan The Man (GP8PG92U2) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11ImmortalMustach (2J29P8C8Y) changed rank from a member to an elder.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Sl0_328i (YCYJYRYPR) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Devil (9CQCUY2PQ) had their donates/recieves reset.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Charlie (QVJ9GU0RJ) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11mister rodgers7 (QVG802G9G) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Apollyon (PG0LU2RQP) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11dmarklive (29YC2ULG8) joined the clan as a member.
2025-03-11 15:18:11Mads15 (G89GVYY82) changed rank from a member to an elder.
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Maintained by Justin
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Originally made by Kuilin