FWA ChocolateClash

Showing details for #G02YR2V9U (Open Ingame)
Name: BOOS

Current Clan: Sweet revenge (2G82RRGV) (No League Association)
Donates: 0 | Receives: 0 | Town Hall: 12 | Rank: Member
Synchronized: No
Tracked Actions
2025-03-01 00:50:04Joined clan as a member.Sweet revenge
(No League Association)
2023-08-11 15:39:38Left clan.KINGS OF ASSAM
(No League Association)
2023-07-07 15:56:17Joined clan as a member.KINGS OF ASSAM
(No League Association)
2023-05-02 02:31:02Joined clan as a member.Phenomenal Guys
(No League Association)
2023-04-16 05:56:36Changed rank in clan from
a member to an elder.
(No League Association)
2023-04-14 15:40:17Seen in clan as a member on initial scan.MYANMAR BOYS
(No League Association)

War Attacks (?)
2023-07-29Was #32 and did not attack in a lose war:
KINGS OF ASSAM (None) vs. I'm Ur Dad (None)
2023-07-25Was #34 and did not attack in a win war:
KINGS OF ASSAM (None) vs. الجبابره (None)
2023-07-23Was #26 and did not attack in a win war:
KINGS OF ASSAM (None) vs. الرفاعى (None)
2023-07-17An error occurred while processing the end of war 1057902.
Please click here (opens in new tab) to fix it manually.
2023-07-15An error occurred while processing the end of war 1056139.
Please click here (opens in new tab) to fix it manually.
2023-07-12Was #31 and did not attack in a lose war:
KINGS OF ASSAM (None) vs. OneLife (None)
2023-07-09Was #33 and hit #37 for 3 stars (100%), in a lose war:
KINGS OF ASSAM (None) vs. pantojas:) (None)
2023-07-09Was #33 and did not attack in a lose war:
KINGS OF ASSAM (None) vs. pantojas:) (None)

Member Notes (Ban Appeal Info)
Maintained by Justin
Support - ToS - Old - Home - Split

Server: ccd, Unique ID: 67c259bc7b205, Database: Production5, Page load time: 0.36 sec.
Originally made by Kuilin