Clan A | Clan B | ||||
KINGS OF ASSAM (#L8Y89V0C) (No League Association) lvl. 20 30 people, 49★ 59.9% 23 Attacks |
الرفاعى (#GURVGJ98) (No League Association) lvl. 21 30 people, 23★ 26.566668% 9 Attacks |
1 | assam boy king (#PCPQRPCUG) | 1. Hit #5: 2 stars 68% | 1 | يوسف و محمد (#Y8G889YPQ) | No attacks |
2 | Maanja Magesh (#90ULRRR0G) | No attacks | 2 | سجاد❤️ (#9VRJ8GLV) | No attacks |
3 | DEVIL (#2VCYUC2P9) | 1. Hit #1: 2 stars 80% 2. Hit #2: 2 stars 80% | 3 | وليد الحويطي (#Y228PL9V9) | No attacks |
4 | mohadev (#Y0V8L0J9Y) | No attacks | 4 | 『MR』彡Hossam彡 (#99P2CPLC0) | No attacks |
5 | Mr.Bahubali.... (#P9RRRQLPJ) | No attacks | 5 | الامير (#PRQPLVPGG) | No attacks |
6 | D RalsTon (#80Q0YPV82) | 1. Hit #10: 3 stars 100% | 6 | Aymanhel (#920298JQ) | No attacks |
7 | king kong (#9VGYQCL9V) | 1. Hit #9: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #11: 1 stars 87% | 7 | Yehia Elngar (#YLCR90YGJ) | No attacks |
8 | Noerick (#QJR2UVCQC) | 1. Hit #8: 2 stars 50% | 8 | جزائري وافتخر (#YCGPCQRJV) | No attacks |
9 | ™★GANGSTER★࿐ (#8YCULPV8L) | No attacks | 9 | الصاطورالمدمر (#9GUUP8UUL) | No attacks |
10 | Vivek (#PR0PRLG0Q) | No attacks | 10 | A♡A (#9JU009Y0U) | 1. Hit #30: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #29: 3 stars 100 |
11 | Gokulxm24 (#Q2JJ2QYRP) | No attacks | 11 | ✴GAIAXY ✴ (#8UY8Y80C2) | No attacks |
12 | king kong 2 (#PPU9PPJCP) | 1. Hit #20: 2 stars 93% 2. Hit #23: 3 stars 100% | 12 | فؤآد (#LQUQJRGP9) | No attacks |
13 | SAMRAT (#2CU8UC92U) | No attacks | 13 | bilal (#9P089QPYY) | 1. Hit #20: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #18: 3 stars 100 |
14 | devil (#YP08RVVUL) | No attacks | 14 | ahmed hamde (#2U8CYR92U) | No attacks |
15 | DANGER TOMBSTON (#YCVR02CPP) | No attacks | 15 | Moshkila (#YRJ8QQ22U) | No attacks |
16 | JAKSANVIGNESH (#YLVQJGPQ2) | No attacks | 16 | المامبا (#YL8QUG020) | No attacks |
17 | pro (#Q8PYQ0YQQ) | 1. Hit #24: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #19: 3 stars 100% | 17 | ابوصلوحي (#Q22UYJ2CR) | No attacks |
18 | zomtghf (#QLG0LYU9C) | No attacks | 18 | Ziad, SaRg (#Q9LYUVRVY) | 1. Hit #28: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #26: 3 stars 100 |
19 | Ankit (#G8RCR0CQ9) | 1. Hit #26: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #27: 3 stars 100% | 19 | انس احمد (#9Q9CJRJVQ) | No attacks |
20 | KING KONG (#QRCY0RQCR) | No attacks | 20 | mohamed. (#QUCQYYPY8) | 1. Hit #22: 2 stars 97 2. Hit #21: 3 stars 100 |
21 | somking (#QVV99U8G0) | No attacks | 21 | the king (#QQGV8QRQ2) | No attacks |
22 | L4ZY_QU33N_S1 (#G09J8YR8C) | No attacks | 22 | كمسنن (#L2VR2UCC0) | No attacks |
23 | only_the_cat (#QV9QGCJC8) | 1. Hit #30: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #29: 3 stars 100% | 23 | ahmed (#9RJUYYJ98) | No attacks |
24 | one shot (#QGULUCVQ9) | 1. Hit #28: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #22: 3 stars 100% | 24 | VURDALAK_2019 (#L0RVJP2PV) | No attacks |
25 | Anime_Forever (#QLQQYLQ8U) | No attacks | 25 | mohamed ali (#9LY2LP88P) | No attacks |
26 | BOOS (#G02YR2V9U) | No attacks | 26 | الدولي (#9CGC2JR02) | No attacks |
27 | shilpi (#PUCJRGLV0) | 1. Hit #25: 0 stars 0% 2. Hit #23: 0 stars 0% | 27 | عادل ملك كلاش (#YC0CPY9VJ) | No attacks |
28 | sunu (#QUL2G8R0G) | 1. Hit #21: 2 stars 95% 2. Hit #16: 2 stars 61% | 28 | عازف الارواح (#QPQJRYRGJ) | No attacks |
29 | kiron (#QUUYU9Y28) | 1. Hit #25: 1 stars 83% 2. Hit #24: 1 stars 73% | 29 | حمو خميس (#G2VRCR2CP) | No attacks |
30 | partpatel (#QR820GGGR) | No attacks | 30 | Mst7_Bod7 (#QVCQ8CGV8) | 1. Hit #30: 0 stars 14 |