FWA ChocolateClash

Showing details for a saved clan war. (Show flags & NIC)

Prep. Day Start: 2023-09-24 04:25:20
Battle Day Start: 2023-09-25 03:25:20
War Ends: 2023-09-26 03:25:20

Status: War Ended
Last Updated: 2023-09-26 04:38:14

  Clan A   Clan B
  FARM (#9VVPCJPV) (Former League Clan (FWA)) lvl. 32
50 people, 100★ 55.94% 75 Attacks
  未知樂園-不打部落戰88分部 (#9PUJR2YV) (Official FWA) lvl. 32
50 people, 114★ 70.7% 70 Attacks
1Iron Claw (#RGLL9GV2)1. Hit #23: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #19: 2 stars 54%
1Dark羯 (#2YG0C2YLP)1. Hit #1: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #5: 1 stars 49
2Jason (#PRC9U9R)1. Hit #2: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #3: 1 stars 11%
2神空小釋 (#LPYULPC0)1. Hit #44: 2 stars 60
2. Hit #43: 2 stars 58
3Hakeem (#PUPPG0RL)1. Hit #3: 2 stars 57%
2. Hit #7: 2 stars 56%
3Helloween. (#8229UYPQ)1. Hit #3: 2 stars 54
2. Hit #19: 2 stars 54
4ACE (#8YJUV9VVU)1. Hit #4: 2 stars 52%
4鬼眼 (#2ULRJRUP)No attacks
5Doctor Strange (#920YJUCL)1. Hit #5: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54%
5Jason's (#8G08R0GP)1. Hit #5: 2 stars 51
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54
6Hazelstorm (#CUJ0G8JL)1. Hit #6: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54%
6執著 (#PQCRYC9Q)1. Hit #6: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #7: 3 stars 100
7Robrene (#9JYRP989)1. Hit #7: 2 stars 50%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 51%
7sarah (#QGRQ2QY0)1. Hit #7: 2 stars 52
2. Hit #6: 1 stars 18
8will the thrill (#2PGJRRPQP)1. Hit #8: 2 stars 52%
8water lee (#JG09PY89)1. Hit #8: 2 stars 54
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54
9Donkey Kong (#YVJYV9J)1. Hit #9: 2 stars 52%
9HOLYSONG (#PVVL20YL)1. Hit #9: 2 stars 66
10~¥ÅSÏR $ØÛRÃV~♥ (#2ULCVCPYR)1. Hit #10: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #12: 2 stars 52%
10wuhudson (#9R8JQ8L8)1. Hit #10: 2 stars 53
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 38
11RRR (#2PJUGJG9L)1. Hit #11: 2 stars 54%
11Formosan (#28P8LC2GG)1. Hit #11: 2 stars 53
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 49
12tiquer (#JJ9Q0YVP)1. Hit #35: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 49%
12chuckbear (#V0VRRJGU)1. Hit #12: 2 stars 54
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54
13lord kamran (#ULG288C8)1. Hit #13: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 8%
13小純純 (#9VYVVCGP)1. Hit #13: 2 stars 52
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54
14Troutdawg (#R8V9YV0P)1. Hit #14: 2 stars 55%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 4%
14wenwen (#88QCYPQLL)1. Hit #14: 2 stars 58
2. Hit #18: 2 stars 56
15Arya of Sorrow (#RY0PCG9J)No attacks15ConFIdEnT (#8QPQUJ0V9)1. Hit #15: 2 stars 57
16ALPHA (#G2C9CYLP)1. Hit #16: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 3%
16蕭郎 (#PRPU22L2)1. Hit #16: 2 stars 54
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 52
17Justin R@y (#9JP0QJL29)1. Hit #17: 2 stars 55%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 2%
17paul@@@ (#8YC2GV8UR)1. Hit #17: 3 stars 100
18Stud (#20LP0V9QC)No attacks18Amingo (#8LR0UY0G9)No attacks
19Pose4Posey (#V2LYJYUU)No attacks19佛夏村 (#8YV2YJ8J2)No attacks
20SHADOW (#PCYLG2CV2)1. Hit #20: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 53%
20Soleus (#8YL80U0CV)1. Hit #20: 2 stars 53
2. Hit #2: 2 stars 51
21oracle (#YVGPL00VC)1. Hit #21: 2 stars 50%
2. Hit #3: 1 stars 49%
21無盡的深淵 (#8YLJCJUPR)1. Hit #21: 2 stars 53
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 2
22brian (#YQLYUL0G)1. Hit #22: 2 stars 50%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 43%
22Maserati (#L0RQ88U0P)1. Hit #22: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #3: 2 stars 68
23Iron Falcon (#9RRYV98GU)1. Hit #15: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #18: 2 stars 54%
23~Xiang~ (#9LJRGCRC)1. Hit #23: 1 stars 48
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 49
24Aman a-kay (#Y98PJPG8R)No attacks24人家的老公 (#9CVQR8VQJ)1. Hit #24: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 63
25❄Rishi Radan❄ (#8C99J2CC8)1. Hit #25: 2 stars 56%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 2%
25咕嚕嚕 (#ULU2RQYL)No attacks
26MUD (#GP8CQVJG)1. Hit #26: 2 stars 59%
26平凡的人很不平凡 (#P0R9PRUJY)1. Hit #26: 2 stars 58
27rocky (#9LVYQCLVJ)1. Hit #27: 2 stars 60%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 37%
27ikea (#C9V0PPJ2)1. Hit #27: 2 stars 54
2. Hit #5: 2 stars 54
28Hawkweed (#200UJVCV)1. Hit #34: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54%
28chrisoffour883 (#229U8L28C)1. Hit #28: 2 stars 63
2. Hit #23: 2 stars 66
29Hakeem Jr. (#Q29CLUVR8)1. Hit #29: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #30: 2 stars 53%
29jc2112:) (#LUU0LU0P)1. Hit #29: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #25: 3 stars 100
30Faizan 44 (#PYQUP8CYC)No attacks30仁愛新村 (#9R80V9P02)No attacks
31JOKER (#YC2JURL0U)1. Hit #31: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #42: 2 stars 53%
31GGᴵᴺᴵᴺᴰᴱᴿ (#V90RJJCR)1. Hit #31: 2 stars 50
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 19
32❤míhαnnα (#29QYUL0J2)1. Hit #32: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #28: 2 stars 55%
32霧煞煞 (#PJ8QLY0JU)No attacks
33Mario (#Y2UJYVU8)1. Hit #33: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 7%
33Honda (#Q2PYRPQRR)1. Hit #33: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #4: 2 stars 67
34DARK HERO (#8CQLVJQ9J)No attacks34全國最大的美女裸聊系統上線啦 (#88JPQLJC9)1. Hit #34: 2 stars 53
35amaanking (#Y0YL0VLUG)1. Hit #35: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 53%
35NN (#JG0UGGGY)No attacks
36Cortes (#V2JY02UC)1. Hit #36: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #39: 2 stars 50%
36皮羊樂園 (#RGQYC928)No attacks
37Davie 1031 (#2920GG0Q)1. Hit #37: 2 stars 72%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 72%
37EricWan416 (#YPQGY2JC)1. Hit #37: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #8: 3 stars 100
38Hulk (#C2QV8V09)1. Hit #38: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 54%
38十五的十六 (#22R0QCLCL)1. Hit #38: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 39
39James (#Y0UVRGCY)No attacks39風和日麗 (#8YLY80GRQ)1. Hit #39: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #37: 3 stars 100
40NIPUN (#CCVYVPV8)1. Hit #40: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #24: 2 stars 54%
40布朗尼 (#88GQP0R8)No attacks
41nihal (#9LJ99PLRV)1. Hit #41: 2 stars 62%
41星莊 (#QLVJ0000R)1. Hit #41: 3 stars 100
42RyanL (#YU0UY0JJJ)No attacks42巴斯光年拯救宇宙 (#8L2QLCVC0)1. Hit #42: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #40: 3 stars 100
43NanSkyyy (#YUVQ89Q8L)1. Hit #43: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #3: 1 stars 50%
43零攻擊程式 (#PVPL2LYYL)No attacks
44Diddy Kong (#LY2L2C8CR)1. Hit #44: 2 stars 52%
44WWW.銍 (#U28L9PJ9)No attacks
45Yuri (#2GQYV909C)1. Hit #45: 2 stars 50%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 50%
45Tㄍㄜˇ (#8UQCQ0QY)1. Hit #45: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 83
46♣️Cryptic_$py♣️ (#P0GQY9PJC)1. Hit #46: 2 stars 72%
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 2%
46不同意的代表請舉首⚰ (#QP0JRPLY2)1. Hit #46: 2 stars 52
2. Hit #30: 2 stars 50
47Den_Ntuy! (#LCQURJCQR)1. Hit #47: 2 stars 53%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 51%
47chun (#2UYCY80Q0)1. Hit #47: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 3
48•Jagga_Dakku• (#UCUJL28U)1. Hit #48: 2 stars 54%
2. Hit #49: 2 stars 55%
48Vampire Sam (#GRUL0CGV)1. Hit #48: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #1: 1 stars 2
49matias lobo (#229202G)1. Hit #50: 2 stars 98%
2. Hit #1: 2 stars 78%
49牛牛女王 (#L88CUY9QQ)1. Hit #49: 3 stars 100
2. Hit #50: 2 stars 68
50Cortes || (#9Q9LVU0YL)No attacks50小蘋果 (#QY9R2RQ90)No attacks
Maintained by Justin
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