Clan A | Clan B | ||||
INDO REFORMASI (#22GQYPLQ) (1945 League) lvl. 30 50 people, 84★ 46.44% 49 Attacks |
CieLers (#QGVCLYGG) (1945 League) lvl. 28 50 people, 150★ 100% 82 Attacks |
1 | BR1L14N (#2QV8Q0LRL) | 1. Hit #17: 2 stars 54% 2. Hit #19: 2 stars 52% | 1 | hend (#2QY29VUVV) | 1. Hit #1: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 4 |
2 | " ADOET 89 " (#2JYJRUR9P) | 1. Hit #2: 2 stars 65% 2. Hit #1: 2 stars 65% | 2 | CieLers (#2RCJU2L00) | 1. Hit #2: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #6: 3 stars 100 |
3 | Assassin (#R9GL9UPL) | No attacks | 3 | Carlos (#YYJUJL8YP) | 1. Hit #3: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 27 |
4 | DEWA PERANG (#20UV0PJP2) | 1. Hit #4: 2 stars 60% 2. Hit #3: 2 stars 53% | 4 | ilham (#2R9089PJJ) | No attacks |
5 | RIZAL. (#9RY98GCQC) | 1. Hit #5: 2 stars 55% 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 31% | 5 | Rhoti Thawar (#8RP8QG82Q) | 1. Hit #5: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 7 |
6 | LostHero (#2V9LRP098) | 1. Hit #20: 2 stars 54% 2. Hit #21: 2 stars 53% | 6 | AL (#YRPRPJJCV) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 5 |
7 | SPONGEBOBᴾᴬᴺᵀˢ① (#PUGP0RCUP) | 1. Hit #7: 2 stars 53% 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 25% | 7 | Loading (#22G9CY9GQ) | 1. Hit #4: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #7: 3 stars 100 |
8 | Spartacuz (#YV2QCU8JL) | 1. Hit #8: 2 stars 73% 2. Hit #1: 2 stars 71% | 8 | Draken (#9UYV882Q2) | 1. Hit #8: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #13: 3 stars 100 |
9 | ki.seronok (#2YQJJ8G0U) | 1. Hit #9: 2 stars 58% 2. Hit #6: 2 stars 55% | 9 | Chief Farzzky⚡ (#9PVJRUV9V) | 1. Hit #9: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 8 |
10 | capunk merah (#80LC099CU) | No attacks | 10 | ExtroBlaze (#8VJ988LJQ) | 1. Hit #10: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #15: 3 stars 100 |
11 | IR.DR.X (#2JP9GYVGP) | 1. Hit #22: 2 stars 51% 2. Hit #23: 2 stars 50% | 11 | Nazams (#809GUC9YV) | 1. Hit #11: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 26 |
12 | Ngato Cat (#82RL8JQGJ) | 1. Hit #12: 2 stars 52% 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 21% | 12 | MUFID (#RYCGG0RV) | 1. Hit #12: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 |
13 | PLAYER 2014 (#8PUG2J8R2) | 1. Hit #13: 2 stars 51% 2. Hit #16: 2 stars 50% | 13 | akun gua ilang (#L82ULURQP) | No attacks |
14 | Deva Putra (#82GPGUCVP) | 1. Hit #14: 2 stars 50% 2. Hit #25: 2 stars 51% | 14 | Doomz (#9Q8CGY9YQ) | 1. Hit #17: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #18: 3 stars 100 |
15 | The Boyz 007 (#2Y99QY2RQ) | 1. Hit #15: 2 stars 60% | 15 | R A I N FOX (#8099QG89V) | 1. Hit #19: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #20: 3 stars 100 |
16 | Chi❤️ (#289YG88JP) | No attacks | 16 | erhanebak (#2UVVVG8R) | 1. Hit #16: 3 stars 100 |
17 | ReD cHiLi (#9U9U09JP2) | No attacks | 17 | Azazil (#9QVJ22QQ9) | No attacks |
18 | Cha✨ (#R8RGJP0) | No attacks | 18 | Sung Jin Woo (#8UQCQP929) | No attacks |
19 | ❤E r d o g a n❤ (#PC88GRRCJ) | No attacks | 19 | Nandi02 (#PLGYJL8) | No attacks |
20 | Ouhzka. (#J00G0VCQ) | No attacks | 20 | SilVa (#LYQ82CGPY) | 1. Hit #21: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #22: 3 stars 100 |
21 | garidoo (#2URLVJVCG) | No attacks | 21 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『16』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#Q92GY2RLC) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 2 |
22 | Roronoa Zoro (#C28GP2JC) | 1. Hit #22: 2 stars 53% 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 3% | 22 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『18』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#Q980QVVYR) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 2 |
23 | johan hold (#2UJRJ02PR) | No attacks | 23 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『17』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#Q2RR8QGQJ) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 2 |
24 | BLOODZ (#9VUL0JU9V) | 1. Hit #24: 2 stars 54% 2. Hit #10: 2 stars 57% | 24 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『19』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#Q8PLJ8PV0) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 2 |
25 | Ahmada.74 (#GLV2Q0YJ) | No attacks | 25 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『20』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#LPY2JPVCC) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 2 |
26 | NocturnaLman 12 (#8928Q2GY0) | No attacks | 26 | Z_ai_n❣️ (#G809UCQJC) | 1. Hit #26: 3 stars 100 |
27 | ScavengeRman (#8JR0PUCVP) | No attacks | 27 | Kyoosuke (#G0RRYG2Y) | 1. Hit #27: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 14 |
28 | Ryusen (#QU9JLCJU) | 1. Hit #28: 2 stars 50% 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 2% | 28 | BRANDAL'S (#2UQU9Y2Q2) | 1. Hit #31: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #32: 3 stars 100 |
29 | Rahmat (#990QJ0UJL) | 1. Hit #29: 2 stars 54% | 29 | MooMoo (#8JQ9L0VLG) | 1. Hit #23: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #24: 3 stars 100 |
30 | Azell (#PGG888Y0G) | 1. Hit #30: 2 stars 53% 2. Hit #11: 2 stars 52% | 30 | Mellow (#8CJYYV2PR) | 1. Hit #25: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #28: 3 stars 100 |
31 | AtHeNa (#Q92C2L0P) | No attacks | 31 | xMellow (#82CG8V9YQ) | 1. Hit #29: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #30: 3 stars 100 |
32 | __Lone Hunter__ (#L8GYUL2P) | No attacks | 32 | Beside (#LVCPPJ8QR) | 1. Hit #36: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #37: 3 stars 100 |
33 | TheLegend_PKU (#29JULPUYP) | No attacks | 33 | iindahh (#2YJYYGURL) | 1. Hit #33: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #34: 3 stars 100 |
34 | Clementine (#Q9QL8CJG) | No attacks | 34 | GodLike (#Q20Q9CYC8) | 1. Hit #38: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #39: 3 stars 100 |
35 | crazy raa ♡ (#G808YJQU9) | 1. Hit #35: 2 stars 57% 2. Hit #34: 2 stars 55% | 35 | Mitsuya (#8U8U0VL9Q) | 1. Hit #35: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #14: 3 stars 100 |
36 | IFZ.KiyoTaKa™ (#QRJVC0VL2) | No attacks | 36 | Obelisk (#L9UJG2QYR) | No attacks |
37 | ScavengerMan 7 (#PV9JRRVL2) | No attacks | 37 | MiniMAX (#PRGGRURGJ) | 1. Hit #44: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #45: 3 stars 100 |
38 | ScavengeRman 1 (#80UURUU8R) | No attacks | 38 | ShiNe (#8UU08JY99) | 1. Hit #40: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #41: 3 stars 100 |
39 | PANGERAN TEGAL (#898QQVLJJ) | 1. Hit #38: 2 stars 53% 2. Hit #37: 2 stars 55% | 39 | Hyde (#992YQGV0G) | 1. Hit #42: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #43: 3 stars 100 |
40 | CHZ (#2L2998Q9Y) | 1. Hit #40: 2 stars 52% 2. Hit #39: 2 stars 50% | 40 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『24』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#Q9QJJPUGR) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 20 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 17 |
41 | Ajell (#YUYRL90LR) | 1. Hit #41: 2 stars 50% 2. Hit #18: 2 stars 50% | 41 | "SNIPPER" (#9P9U8RP8Q) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 13 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 11 |
42 | jajaus (#2Q0JJCVJC) | 1. Hit #42: 2 stars 54% | 42 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『21』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#Q8J88GR89) | 1. Hit #47: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #49: 3 stars 100 |
43 | Lunafreya (#PU0YJLQ) | No attacks | 43 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『22』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#LVVRUC8RG) | 1. Hit #50: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 14 |
44 | Putra_46 (#89PL9YCP2) | 1. Hit #44: 2 stars 50% 2. Hit #27: 2 stars 53% | 44 | ₵ⅰēㄥ『25』ᴮᴬᴰʙᴏʏ (#Q9JYU8PJ0) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 17 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 20 |
45 | [K]iran V1 (#LCJQU0YYC) | 1. Hit #45: 2 stars 60% 2. Hit #31: 2 stars 55% | 45 | THE MAFI POWER (#9809QQJJQ) | No attacks |
46 | DONEMRX 4 (#2029LYRJJ) | 1. Hit #46: 2 stars 69% 2. Hit #49: 2 stars 66% | 46 | BAYU BAHARI (#2PYJCCPCU) | 1. Hit #46: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #17: 2 stars 52 |
47 | ScavengeRman 2 (#908R9UUUV) | No attacks | 47 | sshxfh (#9QYCCJ8PU) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 2 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 3 |
48 | ScavengerMan 8 (#8CCJ9J20Y) | No attacks | 48 | Sch雪葡萄 (#PGPL9V88) | 1. Hit #48: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #1: 1 stars 28 |
49 | ScavengeRman 9 (#8V2JQV8YU) | No attacks | 49 | Daanish coy (#YUL2CG09L) | 1. Hit #1: 1 stars 4 2. Hit #2: 1 stars 3 |
50 | Al-Fatih (#P8CYLY02V) | No attacks | 50 | henk (#GLP0R9PLQ) | No attacks |